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Wife of former Pakistani PM Imran Khan jailed at her request, lawyer says

Wife of former Pakistani PM Imran Khan jailed at her request, lawyer says


In her petition to the Islamabad High Court, Bushra Bibi had accused authorities of violating her privacy and serving contaminated food in her cell, which she and her lawyers said was dominated by men, a charge that prison staff denied.

Bibi says she has been held in a room in Khan's hilltop mansion in Islamabad since the couple's conviction in January for illegally selling state gifts.

Through her lawyers, Bibi had requested to be transferred to prison, which authorities granted shortly after the court issued the order, said her party and a local administration official, Afzaal. Ahmad.

The court ordered authorities to transfer her to Adyala prison in the garrison town of Rawalpindi, where Khan, 70, a former cricket superstar, is serving his 14-year sentence, his party said in a statement.

The party said moving Bibi to prison would respond to criticism that his stay at home rather than in prison was part of a deal to extract concessions from the government.

Pakistani army spokesman General Ahmed Sharif said in response to a question on Tuesday that it was not possible to open negotiations for a deal with a party involved in attacks on state institutions.

Khan, who was also jailed for leaking state secrets, says the cases were aimed at preventing him from running in the elections.

She has already been transferred to a women's ward at her own request, Intazar Hussain Panjutha, lawyer for the Khans Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, told AFP.

She had been held in the house she shared with Khan, declared a sub-jail on the outskirts of the capital, for the past three months.

Khan is also serving a concurrent 10-year sentence for disclosing state secrets.

The divorced mother met Khan when he approached her for spiritual advice and appeared in public wearing a face-covering hijab.

She had repeatedly asked to be treated like a commoner and taken to prison, a party spokesman said.

First birthday

The couple married just months before Khan was elected prime minister.

He was ousted from power in April 2022 by a vote of no confidence.

He then led a campaign of defiance against the establishment that culminated with thousands of supporters pouring into the streets on May 9, when he was first arrested.

Military installations and government property were targeted in a public display of anger against the military rarely seen in Pakistan.

Thousands of supporters were arrested and dozens of party leaders arrested, decimating Khan's once unstoppable street power.

The PTI said the first anniversary of Thursday's mass arrests would be marked with rallies.

Just days before national elections, the couple were sentenced to seven years in prison for marrying too soon after their divorce, in contradiction with Islamic law.

They had previously been jailed for 14 years for corruption involving gifts he received while prime minister. The sentence was later suspended, but the conviction still stands.

Despite the crackdown, the PTI shook up the establishment by winning the largest number of seats in February's elections, but it was held in power by a coalition of typically feuding parties.




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