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Donald Trump scores another major legal victory

Donald Trump scores another major legal victory


Former President Donald Trump won two straight legal victories this week, delaying two of the four criminal charges against him.

A Georgia appeals court agreed Wednesday to consider Trump's appeal of the disqualification issue related to Fulton County Prosecutor Fani Willis and attorney Nathan Wade.

Judge Scott McAfee, who is overseeing the case in Fulton County, had agreed that Willis could remain on the prosecution in March as long as Wade, who is romantically involved with Willis, removed himself from the Trump case. Trump and several of his co-defendants in the case had requested that Willis' office be disqualified from the case, citing the prosecutor's relationship with Wade.

Wednesday's ruling is likely to delay a possible trial in the RICO case. This follows Tuesday's order from Judge Aileen Cannon, who indefinitely postponed Trump's trial in the Florida classified documents case.

A day before the Georgia Court of Appeals granted the request for reconsideration of the disqualification decision, Cannon canceled the May trial date for the Trump classified documents case and did not set a new date.

Trump is currently undergoing a criminal trial for the financial secrecy affair in Manhattan. The latest developments mean there likely won't be any further trials against Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, before Election Day, or even after.

Former President Donald Trump (R) and his attorney Susan Necheles at Manhattan Criminal Court for his secret trial on May 7. Trump scored legal victories this week that effectively delayed two other criminal trials against… Former President Donald Trump (R) and his lawyer Susan Necheles in Manhattan Criminal Court for his secret trial on May 7. Trump won legal victories this week that effectively delayed two other criminal trials against him. More from Win McNamee/Getty Images

It is also a major victory for the former president, whose preferred legal strategy has been to delay proceedings in the cases against him.

Trump faces 34 criminal charges for falsifying business records in Manhattan, 40 criminal charges related to his mishandling of confidential documents in Florida and 10 criminal charges for allegedly interfering with the 2020 Georgia election in Fulton County. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

“Trump secured a victory in Florida yesterday when Judge Cannon indefinitely postponed the classified documents trial, and today's delay in Georgia is another victory for the former president,” the former federal prosecutor said Neama Rahmani at Newsweek.

Efforts to disqualify Willis unfolded during a dramatic hearing in February. McAfee ultimately ruled on March 15 that the prosecutor could remain in office.

“Georgia law does not permit a finding of the existence of a true conflict simply by making poor choices, even repeatedly,” he wrote in his ruling.

However, days later, the judge granted Trump's request to appeal his decision to the Georgia Court of Appeals.

Other GOP-led efforts to remove Willis from the case are also underway.

Republicans in the Georgia state Senate are investigating whether the prosecutor and Wade used taxpayer money during their relationship. On Monday, Willis said she would not testify before the panel, arguing that “I don't even think they had the authority to subpoena me, but they need to learn the law.”

Updated 5/8/24, 10:31 a.m. ET: This article has been updated with additional information.

Updated 5/8/24, 10:54 a.m. ET: This article has been updated with additional information.

Updated 08/05/24, 2:45 p.m. ET: This article has been updated with comment from Neama Rahmani.

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