Trump stages garbage truck stunt in bid to turn tables on Puerto Rico backlash | US elections 2024
Dressing like a sanitation worker and, at one point, appearing in the cab of a garbage truck, Donald Trump sought Wednesday to convince voters in the battleground state of Wisconsin that Democrats believe those who voted for him were trash.
The theatrics came in response to an apparent verbal gaffe made by Joe Biden the previous night, which the president said was intended to condemn a comedian for his racist remarks at a massive rally hosted by Trump at Madison Square Garden in New York. York this weekend.
But Trump and his allies seized on Biden's words to argue that Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is not sincere in her promise to be a president for all Americans, even those who don't vote for her. During a visit to the city of Green Bay, located in a Republican-leaning region of a swing state where polls show anyone will win, Trump hammered home the point by forgoing his usual suit jacket and instead donning a reflective orange vest for a speech. in an arena filled with his supporters in red hats.
I have to start by saying that 250 million Americans are not trash, Trump said at the start of his nearly 90-minute speech. He did not specify how he arrived at the 250 million figure, but it appears to be the entire population of the United States, minus those who voted for Biden in 2020.
This week, Kamala compared her political opponents to the most evil mass murderers in history, and now, speaking on a campaign call last night, crooked Joe Biden finally said what he and Kamala really thought of our supporters. He called them trash. Certainly not!
Biden's gaffe, one of several he has made during his nearly four years in office, threatens to complicate Harris' campaign, after her efforts to win over Latino voters were reinvigorated by the comment comedian Tony Hinchcliffe at the rally Sunday at Madison Square Garden that the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico is a trash-filled floating island in the middle of the ocean.
Puerto Rican stars Bad Bunny and Ricky Martin have since announced their support for Harris, and on Wednesday, reggaeton singer Nicky Jam, who also has ties to the island, cited those remarks in withdrawing his support for Trump.
Biden nevertheless appeared to offer the GOP a new line of attack, when he said during a Zoom call Tuesday evening with a Latino voters' organization: The only garbage I see floating around out there is his supporters , its demonization of Latinos is unacceptable, and its anti-American. The president later clarified that he intended to criticize the hateful rhetoric against Latinos seen at Madison Square Garden, but the Trump campaign insisted Biden was disparaging people who voted for the former president.
Harris played defense earlier Wednesday, telling reporters: “I strongly disagree with any criticism of people based on who they voted for.” The vice president has recently prioritized moderate Republicans and independents, and has campaigned alongside Republicans who have broken with Trump.
But at the Green Bay rally, Trump's second appearance of the day after a stop in North Carolina, Biden's words were all anyone wanted to talk about.
I can assure you it wasn't garbage. How dare you say that, said Brett Favre, the former quarterback of the Green Bay Packers NFL team, who drew widespread applause when he appeared at the rally.
Looking outside, I see police officers, teachers, nurses, grandparents, students. I see ordinary Americans who make this country great.
Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, who survived repeated efforts by Democrats to oust him and increase their numbers in the upper house of Congress, said: “He called you trash, but, let's face it, this This isn't the first time Democratic leaders have told half of Americans what they thought of them. He likened it to Hillary Clinton's joke shortly before her 2016 election defeat that half of Trump's supporters were in the basket of deplorables.
While he had condemned Biden for his comments about trash at a rally in North Carolina earlier in the day, Trump opted for a political stunt of sorts in Green Bay, stepping off his private plane wearing the orange vest and jumping into a waiting trash can's taxi. truck that had the words Trump written in blue letters on the side.
Later that evening in the arena, the 78-year-old said he was worried about being able to climb the steep steps of the truck and that if he fell he would be captured by all the fake news that were waiting for him. on the tarmac. The first few stairs, like here, and I say, fuck it, he told the crowd.
So I had adrenaline and I managed it.
But while answering questions while sitting in the cab of the truck, he refused to apologize for Hinchcliffe's comments about Puerto Rico, instead repeating his claim that he didn't know who the comedian was nor how he was booked for Madison Square Garden.
I don't know anything about the actor. I don't know who he is. I've never seen it, Trump said. He’s an actor, what can I tell you? I don't know anything about him. I don't know why he's there.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/31/trump-puts-on-high-vis-vest-to-trash-bidens-garbage-gaffe-at-wisconsin-rally The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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