Erdogan government arrests Kurdish CHP mayor in Istanbul
On Wednesday, the mayor of Esenyurt Municipality in Istanbul, Professor Ahmetzer of the Republican People's Party (CHP), was arrested and subsequently arrested for membership in the armed terrorist organization PKK/KCK.
The Interior Ministry announced that Istanbul Deputy Governor Can Aksoy had been appointed administrator of the municipality.
This arrest and the appointment of an administrator to replace an elected mayor constitute a blatant attack on fundamental democratic rights. President Recep Tayyip Erdoan's government has long sought to stifle political opposition through such undemocratic operations, building a police state.
This reactionary practice, to which the government systematically resorted after 2015 by dismissing elected mayors, particularly from the Kurdish nationalist movement, also means the Actually abolition of the constitutional right to vote and be elected.
According to the press release from the Istanbul General Prosecutor's Office, Ahmetzer's communications were intercepted because his name was mentioned in organizational documents… seized from members of a terrorist organization. It was claimed that during this 10-year period, zer had been in contact with PKK members on several occasions and had contacted Kongra-gel co-chairman Remzi Kartal on 14 occasions.
evket Tuci, one of the people he is accused of meeting, has been his lawyer for 17 years and was present when he testified before police and prosecutors in the case. Faik Kaplan, who made the money transfer mentioned in the accusation against Zer, said that his daughter was a tenant in Zer's house, that he paid the rent and that he had a rental contract.
It was also reported that zer belonged to the same tribe as Remzi Kartal, whom he last met in 2015, and that at that time various official meetings took place with Kartal in Europe as part of the process of peace. All of this demonstrates the fabricated nature of the accusations and the political nature of the case.
zer was elected mayor of Esenyurt on March 31 with 49 percent of the vote. Esenyurt, an industrial city with a large Kurdish electorate, is Türkiye's largest district with a population of around 1 million. zer, a Kurdish sociologist and academic, was nominated as a candidate in the local elections as part of the cooperation between the CHP and the People's Democracy and Equality Party (DEM Party). In line with this strategy, the DEM party did not present any candidates in some cities and districts, notably in Istanbul, and called on the population to vote for the CHP.
In his first statement, which was leaked to the press before his arrest, zer said the following: I am an author who has written around forty books, some on regional development, some novels, some on the Kurdish question. . I have published about 200 national articles and about 300 articles.
Stressing that it was a political matter, zer continued: I am a scientist who [became] teacher from a very young age, I am an academic, I have been a member of the CHP for over 10 years, I was a candidate in the last elections, I worked as an advisor to mamolu [the mayor of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality]I worked at the National Planning Organization… until today, there is nothing, they are trying to remove me from my position citing events that happened 10 or 15 years ago.
CHP leader zgr zel said in his first statement that the treatment of a scientist, opinion leader and politician who has held leadership positions in the public and academic sectors for years and who has received clean papers from the competent authorities as a candidate only six months ago, and who came to power with the great favor of the voters of Esenyurt in the elections in which he participated, is unfair and the accusations are groundless.
zel also said: “These events are not independent of what has happened in recent weeks. We see the dirty game, the great conspiracy. We will not be part of it and will not abandon ourselves.
The CHP leader called for a massive protest in Esenyurt on Thursday. Speaking at the DEM party-backed rally attended by thousands. Neither a condolence call to a loved one nor a phone call from ten years ago can be linked to terrorism. Erdoan himself openly announced that Ahmet zel would be arrested. So this was expected, zel said, adding that prosecutors acted on Erdoan's orders.
The DEM party condemned the operation in a statement on social media, saying: “The arrest of Esenyurt Mayor Ahmet zer and the appointment of an administrator for Esenyurt Municipality is a coup d'état opened against the will of the people, a usurpation of the will of the people. It is a contempt for local democracy and the will of the people. We will not remain silent in the face of this anarchy and this political coup.calan
Before Zer's arrest on trumped-up charges and the appointment of an administrator in his place, Turkey had experienced significant developments. Last Tuesday, Devlet Baheli, the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), a fascist ally of the Erdoan-led Peoples' Alliance, made an unprecedented statement. Baheli suggested that imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Calan should lift his isolation and address parliament, shouting that terrorism is completely over and that the organization [PKK] was dismantled.
Bahelis' statement, supported by Erdoan, was hailed by the DEM party and the CHP as the start of a new peace process with the PKK. Calan was allowed to meet his nephew Mer Calan, DEM MP for Anlurfa, as a sign of lifting the 44-month isolation imposed on him.
However, just a day after Bahelis' speech, while Erdoan was in Russia for the BRICS summit, a bomb and gun attack took place at the state-owned company's Ankara facilities strategic defense company Turkish Aerospace Industries Corporation (TAI). Seven people were killed, including two of the attackers. The PKK claimed responsibility for the attack.
Ankara responded with airstrikes for several days on what it claims were PKK-YPG targets in Syria and Iraq. Over the past week, 198 terrorists were neutralized, the Ministry of National Defense announced Thursday. The Mesopotamia Agency reported that 17 people, mostly civilians, were killed and 65 injured in Syria following airstrikes. This was followed by a wave of arrests against the country's Kurdish political movement. It was reported that 55 people were arrested in 17 provinces.
These developments come at a time when, in the Middle East, Israel, backed by the United States, has accelerated genocide in Gaza, invaded Lebanon and is preparing a full-scale attack on Iran.
Turkey's ruling elite is seeking to strengthen its position in the country, fearing that a widening war could harm its interests in the region. Erdoan's statement, “As the cards are redrawn in blood, as the war that Israel is waging from Gaza to Lebanon moves closer to our borders, we are trying to strengthen our home front,” was a clear expression of this.
Erdoan approved Zer's arrest and addressed CHP leader Zel, who opposed it, saying: Why do you worry about this when our geography has turned into a ring of fire and members of the terrorist organization are ravaging Esenyurt?
On the one hand, the Erdoan government advocates the release of Calan and reconciliation with the Kurdish movement in Türkiye in order to force the PKK to lay down its arms. At the same time, he defends the arrest of a mayor elected by the alliance of CHP-DEM parties on the basis of fabricated accusations and continues his policy of military repression against the PKK-YPG. These are efforts by the Turkish ruling elite to protect their interests through contradictory maneuvers in the context of an escalating war in the Middle East.
The latest developments also show how empty the promises of the Turkish ruling elite, deeply linked to imperialism, to establish democracy and peace are. The way forward lies in the mobilization of the working class on the basis of an international socialist program, the only social force capable of securing the release of all political prisoners, systematically defending democratic rights and ending genocide and to war.
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Sources 2/ https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/11/01/cwqk-n01.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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