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PTI not counting on Trump for Imran's release, says Zartaj Gul – Journal

PTI not counting on Trump for Imran's release, says Zartaj Gul – Journal


TOBA TEK SINGH: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Parliamentary Leader in the National Assembly Zartaj Gul said his party is not looking to US President-elect Donald Trump for the release of the founder of the PTI, Imran Khan; instead, he will continue his struggle inside the country.

She considers it shameful that the leaders of the PML-N and the PPP, who had tweeted against Trump, are now deleting their tweets after his victory.

She was speaking to the media outside the Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) in Faisalabad after appearing in a May 9 case on Thursday.

Ms. Gul said the ATCs were constituted to try terrorists, but they were being used against innocent PTI workers.

Conditions for deleting tweets of PML-N and PPP leaders shameful after Trump's victory

She said that Imran Khan would soon be released by the courts as there were no solid charges against him except the cases of so-called sale of watches, despite the fact that the BMW car and others Toshakhana's expensive gifts had been stolen by those now in government. .

Special ATC Judge Javed Iqbal Sheikh adjourned to November 13 and 20 the hearing of two cases registered against over 250 PTI leaders and activists who all appeared before the court. Cases against them were registered under the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) on May 9, 2023, for involvement in riots in Faisalabad after the arrest of PTI founder Imran Khan.

Among those present in court on Thursday, besides Ms Gul, were PTI women's wing central president Kanwal Shouzab, former federal information minister Fawwad Chaudhry, son of Shah MP Mahmood Qureshi, Zain Qureshi, MP Rai Hassan Nawaz, MP Rai Murtaza Iqbal, MP Bilal. Ijaz and PTI Women have additional secretary Farkhanda Kokab.

PTI Legal Team Chief Malik Khalid Shafiq told the media that a one-time exemption for the Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Omar Ayub Khan, and the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Shibli Faraz, had been accepted by the court as both were scheduled to appear before other courts in Islamabad.

Kanwal Shouzab said that Imran Khan was mentally tortured in prison, but he had already announced that no matter what, he would never leave the motherland.

gangsters killed: Two members of the Gulfam Shah Gang were killed in an encounter with Jaranwala Saddar and the city police in Chak Khaddian Warraichan area of ​​Faisalabad. The gang was allegedly involved in the kidnapping and murder of two girls, besides cases of extortion and theft.

A police spokesperson said they raided a village to arrest members of the gang based on a tip-off received by Jaranwala Saddar and the town police. He alleged that the gang members opened fire indiscriminately on the police officers, leading to retaliation. Faisalabad Saddar Police and police officers from other nearby police stations also arrived. When the crossfire stopped, police found two men wounded by gunfire from their own accomplices. They were being transferred to the Allied Hospital when they succumbed to their injuries. The deceased have been identified as Umar Farooq and Raza Hussain Munna.

The spokesperson said the outlaws were wanted by police in dozens of cases of theft, extortion and murder of two young cousins ​​kidnapped by them in Farooqabad, Sheikhupura. The accused had shot dead the girls and dumped their bodies on the roadside near Adda Chak 72-GB in Jaranwala tehsil on September 21.

Sources claimed a few months ago that a Faisalabad police team, led by a DSP, had conducted a raid in Vehari to arrest the gang leader Gulfam Shah and his accomplices but to no avail while the DSP was injured in crossfire.

Gulfam Shah Gang members suspected that the two murdered girls had informed the police about its presence in Vehari. They kidnapped the girls and brutally murdered them.

The Gulfam Shah gang posed a challenge to the Faisalabad police as its leader and his accomplices had challenged the police several times through video messages on social media and its members used to change their locations.

Earlier, the police had launched search operations several times in Chak Khaddian Warraichan with hundreds of policemen, but failed to arrest them.

INJURED: A man was seriously injured when the dilapidated roof of his house fell on him at Chak 269-RB, Dijkot, Faisalabad.

Rescue 1122 personnel removed the debris, rescued him and shifted him to DHQ hospital. He has been identified as Shahbaz Ameer (49).

Published in Dawn, November 8, 2024




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