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Trump scores latest victory: Trump makes first major appointment; three states pass 'Trump-proof' laws | US News

Trump scores latest victory: Trump makes first major appointment; three states pass 'Trump-proof' laws | US News


By Dominic Wahorn, International Affairs Editor

America's allies and enemies must adapt quickly after Donald Trump's resounding victory in the presidential election.

In the corridors of power around the world, they are working overtime to adapt to a new reality.

The Allies showed courage, but above all they would have preferred a victory and continuity for Harris.

The election of a man who promised to reverse progress made with America on issues of global importance like climate change will cause discouragement.

And there will be worry.

During his first presidency, Donald Trump demonstrated contempt for the rules-based post-war global order built and led by America and the pillars of the Western alliance.

This order has guaranteed American domination in the world for decades, but Donald Trump seems to view its institutions with suspicion.

According to him, America is being defrauded by them, and by NATO in particular.

Our closest neighbor most likely to suffer is Mexico.

It is now threatened by Trump's promised tariffs, mass expulsions of immigrants and US military incursions against drug cartels.

The ally most to fear is Ukraine.

Trump and his vice president-elect JD Vance have talked about ending the war there, on what appears to be Moscow's terms.

Russia would be allowed to keep much of the territory it conquered by force, with Ukraine's NATO membership delayed for decades.

This will be satisfying for Vladimir Putin.

He spoke today in glowing terms about Donald Trump's courage and resilience and how he was bullied during his first term.

Western diplomats remain perplexed by Donald Trump's open admiration for authoritarian leaders, which contrasts with the contempt he has shown toward their democratically elected Western counterparts.

China will be ambivalent about Trump's return.

His government would have seen the chaos of its first term as further evidence of the decline of a decadent West, accelerating the rise of China as global hegemon.

But the Chinese like to measure their rivals and are disconcerted by the unpredictability of Donald Trump. Iran is doubly so.

During his first term, President Trump broke the Iran nuclear deal and assassinated the country's most prominent military commander, Qassem Soleimani.

His national security team has made it clear that we can expect more confrontation against the Iranian regime.

This will delight the Israeli government.

His Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has had an up-and-down relationship with Donald Trump, but he may well be given more leeway to wage his wars in Gaza and Lebanon.

The Palestinians have much to fear from a president who has never shown any sympathy for their cause.

There is, of course, a limit to the extent to which we can predict the impact of a Trump presidency abroad.

During his first term, he promised to build a border wall, and have Mexico pay for it, to bring peace to the Middle East and tame North Korea. None of this happened.

What seems certain is uncertainty. In movies, sequels can be boring and predictable. Trump II may not be the case at all.




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