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What Trump supporters believe and expect

What Trump supporters believe and expect


Residents of New York watch on a screen as Donald Trump addresses his supporters during vote counting, November 6, 2024. (Fatih Aktas/Anadolu via Getty Images)

With Donald Trump's decisive victory in the November 5 presidential election, he is poised to make sweeping political changes at home and abroad. What do voters want from the Trump coalition? How do they see the country and its challenges? Here's what we know from the Pew Research Centers' pre-election surveys over the past year.

Supporters saw Trump as a candidate for change. In an October poll, most of his supporters (86%) said he would change Washington for the better, while only 12% said he would not change much. Kamala Harris supporters see Trump as likely to change things as well, but 92% of them believe he would change things for the worse.

This Pew Research Center analysis focuses on the perceptions and attitudes of Donald Trump's supporters in the months leading up to his November 5 election. All data in this analysis come from Center surveys conducted during the 2024 presidential campaign. Links to these reports, including details on the survey methodology, are available in the text.

The economy and immigration were top concerns for Trump supporters. Just like in 2020, the economy was the most important issue for Trump voters this year. In a September poll, 93% said this was very important to their vote.

Immigration comes in second place, with 82% of respondents saying it is very important to their vote. This is a substantial increase from 2020, when 61% of Trump supporters rated him as very important to them.

Issues that were much less important to Trump voters included climate change (11% said it was very important), racial and ethnic inequality (18%), and abortion (35%).

Trump supporters were united on several cultural issues in polls conducted throughout the year. Among those on which they generally agreed:

92% think that biological sex cannot be changed. Only 7% said a person can be male or female even if that gender is different from the sex they were assigned at birth. 89% said gun ownership contributes more to increasing than decreasing safety. 83% believe that the criminal justice system is not tough enough on criminals. 75% believe that the legacy of slavery does not affect the position of black people in American society today much, if at all.

On each of these issues, majorities of Harris supporters expressed opposing views.

There are two areas where the positions of Trump supporters could challenge conventional wisdom:

Asked whether the progress women have made in society has come at the expense of men, most (71%) said no. And just over half of the 55 percent said religion should be separated from government policies, although that was about 30 percentage points lower than the share of Harris supporters who said the same thing.

Trump supporters wanted smaller government but no changes to Social Security. Republicans and Democrats have long differed over the size and scope of government, and that has continued into this election cycle. For example, 72% of Trump supporters believe that helping the poor does more harm than good. Only 18% of Harris supporters said the same thing.

However, a large majority of Trump (77%) and Harris (83%) supporters oppose any cuts to the Social Security program.

Trump supporters had a particularly negative view of the national situation. A month before the election, only 5% of Trump supporters said they were satisfied with the way things are going in the country. And in September, about nine in ten people (89%) said they were very concerned about the price of food and consumer goods.

Harris supporters were also largely unhappy, but to a lesser extent. Four in ten are happy with the way things are going and 62% are very concerned about prices.

Economic pessimism was evident in many countries this year. As in the United States, negative assessments of the economy were generally much higher among non-ruling party members than among ruling party supporters.

Trump supporters felt they understood his policy positions before the election. In October, more than nine in ten Trump supporters (94%) said he had clearly explained his policies on combating illegal immigration. Large majorities said the same thing about his economic policy and his foreign policy. The only issue that lagged a bit was health care: 58% said they knew what he would do if he won the race.

Trump supporters viewed Harris' positions on several issues, including immigration and the economy, as less clear than Trump's.

What is acceptable and unacceptable from day one? What do Trump supporters think of some of the more unprecedented steps he suggested taking early in his term? In the September survey:

58% of Trump supporters said it would definitely or probably be acceptable for him to use executive orders to make policy if he fails to get his priorities through Congress. 54% said it would be acceptable if he ordered federal law enforcement to investigate his Democratic political opponents. At the same time, 58% said it would be unacceptable for him to fire civil servants because they are not loyal to him. 57% said it would be unacceptable for him to pardon friends or supporters convicted of a crime.

Is there an olive branch? In October, 86% of Trump supporters said he should focus on addressing the concerns of all Americans, not just his supporters, if elected, even if that meant disappointing some of those who had supported him.

In September, seven in ten Trump supporters said the next president should work with the opposing party in Congress. In October, an identical share of Trump supporters considered it very or somewhat likely if Trump won, although only 19% said it would be very likely.




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