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Trump picks Robert F Kennedy Jr for health and human services | News

Trump picks Robert F Kennedy Jr for health and human services | News


United States President-elect Donald Trump has selected controversial politician and vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services, a position he lobbied for when he suspended his own electoral campaign and supported that of the Republican candidate.

I am delighted to announce the nomination of Robert F Kennedy Jr as US Secretary of Health and Human Services. [HHS]Trump wrote Thursday on his social media platform, Truth Social.

For too long, Americans have been crushed by the industrial food complex and pharmaceutical companies that have engaged in public health deception, misinformation, and misinformation.

Highly publicized and controversial

Kennedy is a controversial but not surprising nomination. He ran for president, first as a Democrat and then as an independent, before dropping out in August and supporting Trump in exchange for a role in a future administration.

He's going to help make America healthy again, Trump said in his Nov. 6 victory speech. He wants to do certain things and he's going to let him achieve them.

The Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for almost everything related to health at the federal level in the United States.

It oversees the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and the broad Medicare and Medicaid Services programs, which provide health coverage to people with limited incomes, people aged 65 and older and to people with disabilities. .

Kennedy served on the transition team and reviewed applicants' resumes for jobs in the department.

Kennedy's selection is just one of several selections Trump has made in recent days to serve in his Cabinet if he can get them confirmed by the Senate.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio was a candidate for secretary of state, a choice that was widely approved of.

More controversial was the selection of outspoken Rep. Matt Gaetz as attorney general, Fox News anchor Pete Hegseth as defense secretary and former Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard as director of national intelligence.

False medical claims

Kennedy will also bring some complications.

He has been criticized for making false medical claims, including that vaccines are linked to autism. He opposed state and federal restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic and was accused of spreading misinformation about the virus.

He also said he would recommend eliminating fluoride from drinking water. The addition of this material has been cited as leading to better dental health.

Historical family

Kennedy came from a family of prominent Democratic politicians. His uncle was former President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, in 1963. His father, Robert F. Kennedy, a former attorney general and U.S. senator, was also fatally shot five years later while was running for office himself. the White House.

Kennedy became a prominent environmental lawyer as founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance, originally created to clean up New York's Hudson River. The group has become the largest nonprofit focused on clean water, expanding to 48 countries.

Kennedy suffers from a speech disorder called spasmodic dysphonia, which causes spasms in the muscles of the larynx.

His priorities now focus on human health, tackling what he calls the epidemic of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and autism, and reducing chemicals in food.

Kennedy suggested he would eliminate the 18,000-employee Food and Drug Administration, which ensures the safety of food, drugs and medical devices, and replace hundreds of employees at the National Institutes of Health.

He accused the FDA of waging a war against product options that he claimed could improve human health, such as raw milk, certain vitamins and stem cell therapy. He also doubts the effectiveness of measles vaccines.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy claimed the virus was designed to attack Caucasians and Black people, sparing Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews.

He also spoke about the adverse health effects caused by a worm that entered his brain, ate part of it and died.

His controversial views led his own family to disavow him. Bobby may have the same first name as our father, but he does not share the same values, the same vision or the same judgment, declared his brothers and sisters in a press release published on X. We denounce his candidacy and consider it perilous for our country.

Taken together, these views could also raise questions about his ability to be confirmed even in a Republican-controlled Senate.

However, he has become good friends with Trump, who essentially appears to be giving Kennedy carte blanche to change America's health agencies.

Mr. Kennedy will restore these agencies to the traditions of Gold Standard scientific research and the beacons of transparency, to end the chronic disease epidemic and make America great and healthy again! Trump said in his statement.

Kennedy's first challenge might actually be the eating habits of his new boss, who is known for his passion for fast food.

He recently said in an interview on the Joe Polish show that Trump's diet was very bad and that the food on the campaign plane was practically poison.




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