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Donald Trump to expel transgender troops from US military

Donald Trump to expel transgender troops from US military


Donald Trump is considering an executive order that would result in the removal of all transgender members from the U.S. military, defense sources say.

The order could be issued on his first day back at the White House, January 20. It is estimated that approximately 15,000 active military personnel are transgender. They would be medically discharged, which would determine they were unfit to serve.

It would also lead to banning trans people from joining the military and would come at a time when nearly all branches of the U.S. armed forces are failing to meet their recruiting goals.

Trump, 78, has spoken out against woke practices in the military, saying some high-ranking officers are often more interested in diversity, equity and inclusion than combat planning.

The ban is expected to be broader than a similar order issued during his first term, when Trump blocked transgender people from joining the armed forces but allowed those already serving to keep their jobs. President Biden rescinded the order, but this time even those with decades of service will be removed from office, according to multiple sources.

Those people will be deported at a time when the military is unable to recruit enough people, a source familiar with Trump's plans said. Only the Marine Corps is reaching its recruiting levels and some of the people who will be affected are in very senior positions.

According to the Pentagon, privacy policies make it difficult to measure the number of trans people on active duty, but about 2,200 military personnel had been diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2021, when Trump's first ban was lifted. There are approximately 1.3 million military personnel on active duty.

Thousands of other staff are believed to identify as transgender.

Military charities that fought the trans ban during Trump's first term are aware of his plans for a similar move by the new administration.

If a trans ban were implemented on day one of the Trump administration, it would harm the military's readiness and create an even greater recruitment and retention crisis, not to mention vulnerability reporting U.S. adversaries, said Rachel Branaman, executive director of the Modern Military Association. of America, which campaigns on behalf of LGBTQ+ military personnel and veterans.

Pete Hegseth, Trump's nominee for secretary of defense, called out the military's weak leadership.


The abrupt dismissal of more than 15,000 soldiers, especially since the army's recruitment goals failed by 41,000 recruits last year, adds administrative burdens to combat units, harms unit cohesion and worsens critical skills deficits, she said. This would result in a significant financial cost, as well as a loss of experience and leadership that would take perhaps 20 years and billions of dollars to replace.

Trump nominated Pete Hegseth, 44, as secretary of defense. The Fox News host and former major in the U.S. National Guard has publicly denounced the military's weak and effeminate leadership and argued in a recent book that the next commander in chief will have to clean house.

He also said medical care for transgender personnel is an extravagance the Pentagon cannot afford, adding that focusing on issues that only affect a small number of people in the military is an example of insanity trans.

Trans people already serving in the military say that as well as causing them significant personal hardship, a new ban would be disastrous for the armed forces.

Very few in my professional field have this experience, and in the event of a large-scale emergency, it would be difficult to replace the level of experience I bring to the table, said a deputy serving officer of the United States Air Force. officer, who preferred not to give his name.

Paulo Batista, a transgender U.S. Navy analyst, said a ban would not only end his career prematurely but also cause upheaval within the force.

I have four years of contract left, he declared. But you take away 15,000, there's more, but that's the number that's always mentioned, which is 15,000 leadership positions, each and every one of us plays a vital role.

There are junior enlisted personnel and high-end officers. If you take one of us out, that means others have to cover for him. These jobs could take months or even years to fill.

Batista rejected another argument made by those who oppose military service for trans people: that the Pentagon needed to cover the growing costs of treating gender dysphoria.

No money is spent, it's just ongoing care, he said. The people who enlist only have a slight hormone deficiency, but the more important thing is how many other people will be affected. Expelling these 15,000 people would affect the entire fleet, the entire battalion. That's everyone.

Trump spokespeople were contacted but declined to comment.




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