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What could happen with the fight between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping

What could happen with the fight between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping


In 2017, Xi Jinping President of China, granted the then President of the United States, Donald Trumpan honor that has only been bestowed on a few leaders: a walk through the Forbidden City, where Chinese emperors lived for almost 500 years.

They toured the Imperial Quarters, ate kung pao chicken together for dinner, while Trump showed her a video of his granddaughter singing a Chinese song.

Despite the ever-present tensions between the two countries, it appears that they have reached an amicable agreement. But Two years later, the Covid-19 pandemic erased all that: Trump took it upon himself to emphasize that it was a Chinese virusblamed Beijing for the outbreak and sparked a deep trade war with increased tariffs.

NOW, The re-elected president of the United States promised that, upon his return to the White House, he would continue to fight to compete with the Asian giant.

He announced a 60% customs duty on all goods imported from the country, the creation of regulations limiting U.S. investment in China and a plan to eliminate the importation of essential goods in four years.

The Chinese view Trump's return with uncertainty, but so do the Americans. And it is likely that the Republican president will encounter a stronger Xi Jinping, who has asserted himself strongly in recent years.

Xi Jinping and Donald Trump
A second trade war and a new Cold War: what unites and separates Xi Jinping and Donald Trump. Photo: REUTERS.

consulted by BBC Worlda 74-year-old Chinese retiree who preferred not to reveal his real name said: For many people in China, Trump is a figure of fun.

So much so that memes of the president-elect dancing are circulating on social media across the country.

And even if it makes you laugh a lot, There are those who worry about his unpredictable personality.

Mike Waltzthe new US national security adviser, wrote that it is important for the United States to end the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. focus on the bigger problem: countering the Chinese Communist Party's biggest threat.

Under the government of Joe Biden, the Chinese president had already warned against legislative and tariff bans, which Containing China is reckless, unacceptable and doomed to failure.

We must not wage a new Cold War. You can't winsaid the Chinese president.

But China would have prepared for Trump's return. According to Yu Jie, China researcher at Chatham House, His victory in the presidential elections is no surprise to Asians.

Of course, warned the expert, during a conversation with the BBC, What The world should expect checkered relationships to develop.

Xi Jinping and Donald Trump
A second trade war and a new Cold War: what unites and separates Xi Jinping and Donald Trump. Photo: REUTERS.

With Marco Rubio as Secretary of State and Mike Waltz as National Security Advisor, It is very likely that Trump's new term's approach will be tougher and more muscular with China.said Lyle Morris, Asia Society China Analysis Center At BBC.

Even if Trump sees his personal relationship with Xi Jinping as an avenue for negotiation, he He will rely on Waltz and Rubio to design a more aggressive and inflexible policy towards China.

One of the differences that would justify this stricter strategy is There is concern that China has a larger nuclear arsenal than many think. This could trigger not only a trade war, but also a nuclear war that could have repercussions on world stability.

There is also the question of Taiwan, a territory where China has increased threats of invasion to control it. And although Trump did not explicitly answer that he would defend Taiwan, experts expect it to happen that way.

In fact, his first government was the one that sold the most weapons to Taiwan and, by law, is obliged to exchange defensive weapons with the island.

Xi Jinping and Donald Trump
Second trade war and new cold war: what unites and separates Xi Jinping and Donald Trump

Donald Trump has repeatedly declared his admiration for Xi Jinping. In 2020, he mentioned that they loved each other and, in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, he assured that they had a very strong relationship.

For his part, Xi barely talks about Trump.

However, the two have a very similar vision of what they want for their passes: Xi speaks of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and Trump of the desire to make the United States great again.

To prevent the increase in customs duties and other bans established by Trump from affecting them too much, China prepared and began to diversify its sources of agricultural imports (notably from Brazil, Argentina and Russia).

It has also increased the volume of its exports to countries that are not allies of the United States, Yu Jie said.

However, The Asian giant has another card up its sleeve: the presence of tycoon Elon Musk to the government, then Your company Tesla depends on China for its production. Clear sign BBC World, About half of its electric cars are made in Beijing.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk
A second trade war and a new Cold War: what unites and separates Xi Jinping and Donald Trump. Photo: REUTERS.

But does Musk have enough influence to control Trump's trade strategy with China?

This is the question that experts and Chinese authorities are asking about a scenario that will only be known when he assumes the presidency, on January 20, 2025.




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