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IRSADhuman and economic sciences in multi-domains

IRSADhuman and economic sciences in multi-domains


Lima, Peru, Nov. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — According to the International Relations Study Association (IRSA), in 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping was the first to propose the initiative to build a community with a shared future in China -Latin America, which received widespread positive response from Latin American countries. A decade later, Peru is hosting the informal meeting of APEC economic leaders for the third time. President Xi Jinping was invited to attend the meeting titled “Working Together, Creating Opportunities: New Horizons for China and the Latin America and Caribbean Region” and pay a state visit to Peru. This demonstrates both China's commitment to China-Peru and China-Latin America cooperation, as well as its role in promoting Asia-Pacific cooperation.

The close and significant relations between China and Peru can be characterized by four “firsts”: Peru was among the first Latin American countries to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, among the first to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership with China, and among the first to sign a free trade agreement with China. Additionally, China has been Peru's main trading partner for ten consecutive years.

Cinematographic and television culture builds broader platforms of exchange.This year marks the 10th anniversary of the China-Latin America community with a shared future initiative. Over the past decade, China and Latin America have continuously strengthened civilizational dialogue and cultural exchanges, with increasingly aligned concepts, deepening areas of cooperation and expanding channels. The two sides have made progress through mutual learning, becoming an important force in the progress of human civilization and the development of world peace.

Cinema and television, as forms of audiovisual media content and overall artistic presentations, are essential vectors of social culture. Recently, the premiere of “From the Great Wall to Machu Picchu” will be held in Peru, and excellent Chinese productions such as “The Three-Body Problem” will be screened there, allowing local people to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and current development. How can film and television cooperation shed light on the civilizational dialogue between China and Latin America? In a recent interview with China News Service's “East-West Questions” program, Yang Bin, an assistant researcher at Beijing Foreign Studies University, pointed out that amid the increasingly dynamic atmosphere Of the civilizational exchanges between China and Latin America, film and television cooperation has become one of the most important. the most promising areas of cultural exchange, which will further promote people-to-people exchanges, strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between people, and contribute to a greater platform for the next decade of the China-China community with a shared future. Latin America.

Joint port construction promotes greater economic and commercial cooperation. The port of Chancay in Peru is a major project personally championed by Chinese and Peruvian leaders. It is a key project in the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between the two countries, embodying the shared efforts and dreams of the two peoples. As Peru's flagship Belt and Road project, Chancay Port will serve as Peru's new hub and gateway to Asia, reducing transportation time between Peru and China d 'about 10 days, making China Peru's “new neighbor”.

The vision for the Chancay port dates back to 2007, when former Peruvian Navy Admiral Juan Ribaldo first proposed the idea. However, the project remained stalled for years due to funding issues. In 2019, China COSCO Shipping Corporation acquired a 60% stake in Chancay Port, becoming the majority shareholder and injecting Chinese capital and technical expertise, finally turning this dream into reality. Since the start of the first phase of construction in 2021, COSCO Shipping has not only advanced the construction of the port, but also implemented various social responsibility projects in the local community, including donating sports facilities, renovating police stations, building tree-lined boulevards and establishing scholarship programs. further integration into local society.

The port of Chancay represents more than just a cooperation project between China and Peru; it constitutes a model for economic and commercial relations between China and Latin America. Through this new shipping channel, products such as Brazilian soy, Colombian coffee and Argentine beef will reach Asian markets more efficiently, while providing a new option for global supply chains. The port of Chancay will undoubtedly become an important step in the progression of relations between China and Latin America.

Multi-domain cooperation promotes sustainable development. Yue Yunxia, ​​director of the economics department of the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), pointed out at the APEC meeting that new energy represents an element crucial to practical cooperation between China and Latin America. In recent years, cooperation between China and Latin America has made remarkable progress, with clean energy projects invested by China becoming one of Latin America's stable and reliable energy sources. At the same time, Latin America has become an indispensable part of China's new energy supply chain. Continuing to optimize and expand cooperation between China and Latin America in new energy is vital to the core interests of both sides. Combining China's financial and technological advantages with Latin America's natural wealth will create a multiplier effect in new energy cooperation, ensuring energy security and improving the well-being of people on both sides.

In terms of investment, China and Latin America can achieve deep integration into the entire new energy industry chain. In the commercial field, they can sustainably expand the scale of green trade. In the financial area, they can coordinate energy and financial security through green infrastructure and green finance initiatives. In the technological field, they can advance technical exchanges in the areas of traditional energy efficiency, carbon reduction and digital transformation. In policy terms, they can jointly launch integrated global energy and climate governance. As part of knowledge sharing, they can promote linkages and information exchange between government, business and think tanks through international cooperation platforms such as the International Investment and Construction Forum in infrastructure (IIICF).

Although geographically distant, the Latin America and Caribbean region shares inseparable ties with China's Belt and Road Initiative due to its historical origins, current conditions and future planning. Cooperation between China and Latin America has established an excellent model of South-South cooperation, enhancing mutual trust and injecting more momentum into the development of both sides, thereby promoting greater and more sustainable development for both sides. .





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