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Pakistani Prime Minister announces task force to investigate violence during Imran Khan's party protest

Pakistani Prime Minister announces task force to investigate violence during Imran Khan's party protest


ANI | Updated: November 30, 2024 at 2:08 p.m. IST

Islamabad [Pakistan]November 30 (ANI): Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Friday announced the constitution of a dedicated task force to trace and take action against those involved in the violence during the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) rally in Islamabad earlier this week. » reported Express Tribune. Pakistani Interior Minister Syed Mohsin Naqvi will chair the task force, which includes key members such as Economic Affairs Minister Ahad Cheema, Information Minister Attaullah Tarar, Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar and representatives of the security forces. The violence erupted after more than 10,000 PTI protesters violated a ban on public gatherings and cordoned off the city to confront security forces. In response, riot police fired tear gas as protesters reached near the barricaded D-Chowk, according to The Express Tribune report. Following the clashes, PTI leaders canceled their planned sit-in. However, the unrest has increased political and security tensions in Islamabad. In response to the unrest, Shehbaz Sharif called for the need to form a dedicated force to respond more effectively to future protests. The task force is expected to take swift action against those responsible for the violence. Besides, the Federal Government of Pakistan will also form a Federal Anti-Riot Force, equipped with advanced tools and training based on international standards, The Express Tribune reported. Furthermore, Shehbaz Sharif announced the establishment of a federal forensic laboratory which will use modern technologies to investigate and collect evidence on riots and unrest. Sharif stressed that the Islamabad Safe City project would be modernized and the federal prosecution would be strengthened to ensure speedy justice.

During the meeting, he also raised concerns over growing instability, calling the protesters' actions “nefarious attempts” to disrupt Pakistan's development, according to the Express Tribune report. He said Pakistan was moving towards stability and progress, stressing that “the enemies of the country's development will never achieve their designs.” He said an overwhelming majority of the Pakistani population, including those in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, rejected the violence and chaos created by a small group of troublemakers. Terming unity and vigilance to be essential to defeat the forces trying to destabilize the nation, Shehbaz Sharif highlighted the collective responsibility of all citizens to protect the sovereignty and security of Pakistan. Meanwhile, Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party President Mahmood Khan Achakzai has urged the United Nations and human rights organizations to take note of the authorities' “brutal” treatment of Pakistani Tehreek-e-workers. Insaf (PTI) during their protest in Islamabad, Dawn reported. Addressing a press conference, Achakzai claimed that a large number of PTI workers and supporters were killed and hundreds more injured due to state violence. He accused the government of withholding information about casualties resulting from action taken by police and security forces against protesters who arrived in Islamabad despite roadblocks at the call of PTI founder Imran Khan, according to the Dawn report. Achakzai, who also leads the opposition. The Tehreek Tahafuz-i-Aaian Pakistan alliance has rejected the government's allegations of violence committed by PTI supporters. He called for an independent investigation into the excessive use of power and demanded accountability. The PkMAP leader demanded that FIRs be filed against the government's action and that Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, along with the Interior Minister and IGP, be named as they were allegedly behind the brutal violence against peaceful demonstrators. He called the prosecution of Imran Khan “politically motivated”. (ANI)




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