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Wealth List of 8 Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia, check who is the richest and poorest

Wealth List of 8 Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia, check who is the richest and poorest


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Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Since Indonesia's independence, this country has been led by eight presidents. Starting from Soekarno, up to President Prabowo Subianto who is currently in office.

The personal wealth and assets of state officials, especially the president, always attract public attention. Many people are curious about the extent of wealth held by Indonesia's leaders.

So how rich is the president in Indonesia? Here is a list cited from various sources:

1. Sukarno

It is not yet clear how rich the first president of the Republic of Indonesia is. However, according to the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung of December 17 and 19, 2012, cited by detikcom, in the same year, data on Soekarno's wealth amounted to 180 billion dollars, stored in a bunker of the Union of Swiss Banks. (UBS).

The Kronen Zeitung newspaper is one of the oldest newspapers in Austria. They have been published since January 2, 1900.

2. Suharto

Citing Detikcom, the US Treasury detected the movement of large sums, reaching $9 billion, to Austrian banks in 1998 after Suharto's resignation. The money belonged to the second president.

However, this figure would only represent a portion of the assets Suharto owned during his term in office, between 1966 and 1998.

Separately, an international financial institution, Time Warner Inc, said Suharto's assets reached about $15 billion, including $9 billion transferred from a bank in Switzerland to a bank in Austria.

3. BJ Habibie

It is not yet known for certain how much BJ Habibie's assets are, but the print media Asia Far Eastern Economic Review once reported that BJ Habibie's assets reached $60 million.

Asia Far Eastern Economic Review is the largest English-language business media outlet in Asia, headquartered in Hong Kong. BJ Habibie's assets are derived from the intellectual property rights to a number of inventions in the technology sector and a number of companies in the technology sector.

According to Globe Asia, BJ Habibie's children, Ilham Habibie and Thareq Habibie Ilthabi Rekatama, own a wealth of US$250 million from a number of technology companies owned by the Habibie family.

4. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur)

Abdurrahman Wahid or who is colloquially called Gus Dur, according to the 2001 State Administrators' Wealth Report (LHKPN), has assets of IDR 3.49 billion.

This wealth comes from its land and buildings, its transport, its precious metals, its securities, as well as its current accounts and its cash flow.

5. Megawati Soekarnoputri

Megawati is expected to have assets reaching IDR 96.16 billion based on LHKPN 2014.

It owns land and buildings worth a total of IDR 36 billion, transportation worth IDR 1 billion, securities worth IDR 33 billion, and current accounts and cash amounting to IDR 1 billion. billion IDR.

6. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)

Based on the 2014 LHKPN, SBY would have assets of IDR 13.98 billion. These assets come from various sources, starting from transportation worth up to IDR 500 million, land and buildings amounting to IDR 5 billion, as well as current accounts and cash worth IDR 6 billion IDR.

7. Joko Widodo (Jokowi)

Based on LHKPN 2023, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has assets totaling IDR 95.8 billion. This amount is an increase compared to Jokowi's 2022 LHKPN of IDR 82.3 billion.

Jokowi is registered as the owner of 20 lands and buildings worth IDR 74.1 billion. Apart from this, Jokowi also owns 8 vehicles worth IDR 432 million, other movable assets IDR 356 million, and cash and cash equivalents IDR 20.8 billion.

8. Prabowo Subianto

Based on LHKPN as of December 31, 2023, Prabowo has assets of IDR 2.04 trillion and no debt.

Most of Prabowo's assets consist of securities with a total value of Rp. 1.7 trillion. Then he was registered as owning land and buildings worth IDR 275.3 billion. These are distributed in Jakarta and Bogor regions with different areas and values.

Prabowo also owns a series of vehicles worth a total of IDR 1.2 billion, including a 1992 Toyota Alphard and a Lexus Jeep worth IDR 400 million as well as 6 other cars.

The Minister of Defense also has other movable assets of Rp 16.4 billion, securities of Rp 1.7 trillion and cash of Rp 47.8 billion.


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From Sukarno to Prabowo, here is a list of the wealth of Indonesian presidents




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