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From Boris Johnson to Meghan Markle, the algorithm that assesses reliability


A ready smile, well-applied eye makeup, and a touch of youthful vigor are useful elements for a successful running for office, according to studies on the nature of trust, the most elusive of modern political traits.

Researchers at Paris universities used an algorithm based on known facial features that elicit feelings of trust such as a smiling mouth or wider eyes and tested it for its accuracy on databases of evaluated human faces. separately by human volunteers.

They used the algorithm to assess thousands of portraits from the 14th century onwards to conclude that people found more trustworthy personalities as centuries passed and societies became more prosperous.

Smiling was a key part of gaining confidence with the portrayal of stern patrician rulers changing with a smile revolution in portrait styles in 18th century France, according to the study released Tuesday.

If you smile, you are more likely to be trustworthy, said Lou Safra, one of the researchers.

What famous faces today does the algorithm trust?

The National asked academics to use their algorithm to gauge the perception of trust in a modern group of leaders and influencers.

Researchers first conducted an experiment on photographs of a smiling U.S. Democratic candidate Joe Biden and a smileless photo of incumbent Donald Trump. The algorithm gave Mr. Biden a trustworthy rating while also classing Mr. Trump as untrustworthy.

The National sent a series of photographs which were transplanted onto avatars to assess the level of reliability of the subjects. The team was then able to rate the following 10 personalities:

The program offered both more and two less trustworthy. The results are at the bottom of the article but here you can guess the most trusted pair.

The research team said the results would be affected if different images were used and women and young people were more likely to be seen as trustworthy.

Ms Safra said cosmetics that make eyes appear bigger and judiciously applied lipstick could alter their appearance enough to make a person more trustworthy.

Democrats will be happy to hear that the algorithm determined Joe Biden to be more trustworthy than Donald Trump.  AP

Democrats will be happy to hear that the algorithm determined Joe Biden to be more trustworthy than Donald Trump. AP

The researchers said the latest study followed changes in the style of prominent figures, who in past centuries wanted to be seen as unshakably firm and tough, in the modern political age, in which many leaders seek approval. of the public at the polls.

If people smile, it’s because they want to inspire confidence, display cooperative characteristics and show themselves as good cooperators, Ms. Safra said.

The results…

Most trustworthy: Meghan Markle and Emmanuel Macron

The least trustworthy: Pablo Escobar and Vladimir Poutin

Updated: September 23, 2020 12:28 PM

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