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You only need to hear Mark Knowles speak for a second to pick up on his passion and dedication to the cause of Australia’s hockey programming.

The Kookaburras legend has been going full steam ahead since he was named technical leader for Hockey Australia’s Men’s National Athlete Pathway Program in November 2020.

With his role significantly hampered by COVID and forcing him to become an expert at conducting online training and education sessions with coaches and athletes across the country, the haze is finally lifting.

Knowles approaches his job as he did his playing days for the Kookaburras, with absolutely everything, and the coming months bring an excitement to make up for lost time.

With former Kookaburra Jay Stacy just announced as Australia’s National Junior (U21) Men’s Coach, Knowles has provided an update on the current state of the Men’s Pathways Program and its determination to nurture and support the country’s best up-and-coming talent .

Thanks for taking some time out of your busy schedule Mark. Exciting news with the appointment of Jay Stacy as National Junior Men’s Coach. What strengths does he bring to the role?

MK: “For someone like Jay, he has the experience to show how he did it. In the late 1980s, he took part in the Junior World Cup. He has coached, been to Johor and all the tournaments important to the junior men’s program. Jay is in a really good space in his coaching. He has been leading the VIS for a long time and is certainly ready for this challenge.”

When does Jay start in the role and what are the most immediate areas of focus for him?

MK: “On Monday he will be introduced to the group. The big number of goals for Jay is the Domestic Series on the Gold Coast in March where he will make his mark on his first roster as we reduce the junior national squad from 40 players to 27.

The Domestic Series is also the final roster event for the National Development Squad, the first of its kind since 2019 for these players. Jay will also see the junior talent that he may not have gotten a good look at. Some of our National Futures (U18) players who qualify for the Junior World Cup in 2023 will also be attending the Domestic Series, so Jay will have the chance to see them too. Then the next big ticket entry will be the Australian Under 21 Championships in Perth where he will select the roster for 2022/23.”

Given that Australia did not attend the last Junior Men’s World Cup, how crucial is this period leading up to the 2023 edition in conjunction with the 2032 home Olympics?

MK: “If you’re currently 18-21 years old, you’ll be 28-31 years old and in your absolute prime for the Kookaburras in 2032. This is so important to me in my role…that you’re not just talking about a good track, you really have to do it.

That’s probably why I’m so passionate about it right now, because you have to provide good resources, good people and good opportunities to have any chance of future success. Agreements like Jay’s will hopefully point us in the right direction.”

Are you encouraged by the progress and direction of hockey in Australia?

MK: “Certainly. I think there is a lot to be excited about. We have lost a group of athletes to COVID and the lack of opportunities which is disappointing. But the players who are still here after not playing national championships since 2019 are so excited.

Mark Hager and I have been running Futures mini-camps across Australia and to hear the players say they can’t wait to get involved in this, they can’t wait to take part in a section event, they can’t wait for what more national uniform, they can not wait for another coaching is so exciting. This year we will finally be able to do something. If these players are still there and they have talent, we think we can really help them.”

Has COVID clearly had a huge impact on the progression of athletes over the past two years?

MK: “I think the sports world should be aware that we won’t feel the effects of COVID in June or July of this year, but in two to three years’ time, when our best 20-year-old kids have the opportunity to play before the Kookaburras to play or have not yet progressed.

Our main role is to reduce that lag time. If other countries are struggling for two years, we want it to be only six months for us. If we can retrain our people quickly, we have a better chance of success.”

Australian hockey is blessed with several former national players and talented coaches who are involved in the National Athlete Pathways programs and the National Institute Network. How crucial is their input?

MK: “The interesting thing about these roles is to realize that just because you’re a good player doesn’t mean you’ll always be a good coach. But what I think it helps is understanding the path and requirements of what it takes to get to the highest level.

Now our challenge to all coaches is: how progressive can you be? Where can you take your program that you didn’t take last year or in 2020 because of COVID and the restrictions? If we don’t use this wealth of experience and knowledge of quality people in the coaching network in Australia and don’t let them work and help the players, we won’t capitalize on it as we should. Our role in pathways is to provide a vision and that is why these people are so important because they are the ones carrying that vision out.”




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