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The Predictor – Portland Press Herald

The Predictor – Portland Press Herald


  • The suggestion comes as the City Council hears an update on an $842,000 plan to address traffic and safety issues at Route 77's intersections with Scott Dyer and Shore roads.

  • The main beneficiary of the March 24 event is Make a Wish Maine.

  • The owners say they currently have no plans to build a homeless shelter on the site as well, but some Thornton Heights residents are opposed to any development because they say Howard Johnson has been a bad neighbor and their neighborhood has suffered.

  • More student programs, more materials and more field trips will be made available through a recent grant to the Land Trust.

  • The Westbrook Regional Vocational Center is anticipating $1.5 million in federal funding to build a live fire facility.

  • Now that voters have defeated the Drowne Road project, it will be difficult to make a “meaningful dent in the affordable housing crisis,” the council president says.

  • Jasmine Cherry, who only recently decided to pursue her art full-time, will have her first show in April.

  • Russell Family Dentistry, which has been operating on Woodford Street for 60 years, is now in its fourth generation.

  • Matthew Beck received 1,206 of 1,678 votes in Tuesday's special election and was sworn in on Wednesday.

  • Cumberland residents voted “no” overwhelmingly on Tuesday, with 2,545 votes to 1,162.

  • North Yarmouth will be developing its climate action plan over the coming year. Cumberland adopted its own plan in 2021, Yarmouth did so in 2022, followed by Falmouth in 2023.

  • The museum shows the work of young artists throughout the month of March, with a party on Saturday.

  • Partners for World Health has shipped nearly $4.9 million worth of medical supplies to Ukraine over the past two years.

  • MaineHealth's Cardiac Fellows Program and NorthStar Division have come together to provide cardiac care to patients who cannot travel or access outpatient services.

  • South Portland Maker of the Year Brant & Cochran is ramping up production to meet the high demand for their axes.

  • Councilors and residents are questioning whether the interchanges in Scarborough would cause traffic problems there and are raising concerns about the protection of wetlands.

  • The trail would start at DeLorme Drive and extend north.

  • The raccoon hit by a car is recovering thanks to the efforts of the fire department, Maine Wildlife Transport and Wilderness Miracles in Bowdoin.

  • The game was part of the Freeport Community Library's efforts to engage young patrons physically and mentally.

  • The Cumberland City Council voted unanimously to celebrate Arbor Day as a city holiday each April.

  • The Cumberland Planning Board is hearing early plans for the supermarket, which would be built near the intersection of Gray and Skillin roads.

  • The Foundation for Portland Public Schools initiative, named in honor of longtime Portland High School girls basketball coach Ed Feeney, will provide athletic equipment to students who need it to participate.

  • The proposals range from renovating and expanding the existing primary and secondary schools to building a new secondary school.

  • An independent facilities assessment suggests options to rebuild or renovate the city hall, library and central fire/police station.

  • Certified death doula Andrews Nelson works with the dying and their loved ones.

  • The chairman of the Cumberland-North Yarmouth School Board says the draft plan for the new pre-K to Grade 1 school is “still being developed and processed.”

  • A nonprofit organization for immigrant women says swimming lessons for seniors combat social isolation and teach participants a new skill.

  • Cape Elizabeth and Scarborough plan to remove the section of Sawyer Road/Sawyer Street that regularly floods during storms and damages swamp habitat.

  • FPL Energy Cape in Knightville, which has two 12,000-gallon tanks, wants to increase its capacity by 40,000 gallons to provide power during power outages, but a South Portland ordinance does not allow the addition.

  • One Democrat and two independents are running to fill the District 122 seat in the House of Representatives, which represents the city's District 1 and part of District 2.

  • The city must join the Metro system, at a cost of $170,000 this year, to keep service open to the public, its executive director says.

  • Falmouth City Council votes to put forward proposals for a development on Marshall Drive.

  • Sunday huntSunday hunt

    Some residents are concerned they are seeing more deer than normal, and a listening session next week will help a state wildlife biologist determine if there is a problem and the extent of it.

  • Bill Shardlow, a former coach and teacher, “would be very honored,” said his twin brother Wilbur Shardlow.

  • Pam Leo's five-year-old nonprofit gets books into the hands of children and their parents in Greater Portland.

  • The public is encouraged to vote in the online competition, which gives club members the opportunity to explore and set career goals for their own future.

  • Geoff Bruno has resigned to take a job in Massachusetts.

  • Council members will begin setting goals and establishing strategies to achieve them, based on the housing committee's recommendations.

  • Six classrooms could be added to the two-story, 70,000-square-foot building if student population projections come true, designers told the SAD 51 board this week.

  • Onze Plek Youth and Family Services wants to be closer to its customers, but has difficulty finding a place in the gentrifying neighborhood.

  • The response to North Yarmouth resident Lisa Wentzell's book “A Dog and His Boy,” about her developmentally disabled son, was “pretty amazing” and has kept the family busy in the year since its release.

  • British-born John Thompson and his wife Carol have founded a non-profit organization to improve the lives of residents of a South African township.

  • South Portland will hold a public workshop this month with state officials to discuss approaches to repairs and financing.

  • The annual food drive, usually a competition between individual neighborhoods but this year with just two teams, helps increase the food bank's inventory at a time known for a decline in donations.

  • The new “A Full Net: Fishing Stories from Maine and Beyond” chronicles Sue Daignault's love for the sport and her gratitude for “all the great things that have come my way.”

  • Island Commons is celebrating its 25th year as a nonprofit home for residents who can no longer live independently.

  • A group of seven high school and college students hope their actions will humanize the plight of Palestinians in Gaza.

  • “The Blue Heron” showcases students' writing, artwork and photography and has also led to a celebration of literacy at the school.

  • About six people live outside along the Payne Road Corridor, according to a city report.

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