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Men's tennis earns third top-10 win, defeating Texas A&M – UK Athletics

Men's tennis earns third top-10 win, defeating Texas A&M – UK Athletics


LEXINGTON, Ky- The No. 5 Kentucky men's tennis team (15-2, 6-0 SEC) ended the No. 10 Texas A&M Aggies (16-5, 5-2 SEC) five-match win streak at Southeastern Conference and won four -3 on Friday afternoon outdoors at the Hilary J. Boone Tennis Complex. This marks the Wildcats' eighth straight win as they remain undefeated in SEC play. Kentucky is now 3-0 against top-10 opponents this season.

In the doubles session, the British pair of freshman Jack Loutit and fifth-year Taha Baadi defeated TAMU's Kenner Taylor and Tiago Pires 6-3 at third doubles, bringing the Cats within one of the doubles points. On court one, the No. 23 pairing of Joshua Lapadat and JJ Mercer defeated the No. 28 pair of Guilio Perego and Togan Tokac 6-3 to secure the doubles point, leaving court two unfinished. With the result, Kentucky snaps a three-match skid in doubles.

In singles, sophomore Jaden Weekes got off to a fast start, adding the first singles point with a 6-3,6-3 straight-set victory over TAMU's Tokac, marking his sixth straight singles win. Shortly thereafter, French sophomore Charlelie Cosnet defeated A&Ms Guilio Perego 6-4,-6-3, bringing the Cats within one point of the match.

The Aggies would claim one point before Great Britain would settle, as defending SEC Co-Freshman of the Week Tiago Pires claimed victory on court five over Jack Loutit, 6-4, 6-4. Looking for another point, Lapadat surged to a first-set win over No. 24 JC Roddick 6-3 before beating him 7-5 in the second set to clinch the match for Kentucky.

With both teams electing to play away, the Aggies added two more points to their total, winning on courts one and six. At first singles, No. 33 Raphael Perot of Texas A&M defeated No. 36 Taha Baadi in three sets, 6-3, 1-6, 6-4. After losing the first set in a tiebreaker, freshman Matt Rankin forced a third set, but ultimately fell to TAMU's Brayden Michna 6-7 (6-8), 6-2, 1-6 to end the match.

The Cats will take on the No. 21 Auburn Tigers on Sunday, March 24, for a 1 p.m. matinee at the Hilary J. Boone Tennis Complex. Admission is free to the public.

No. No. 5 Kentucky vs. No. 10 Texas A&M


When. 23 Lapadat/Mercer (UK) final When. 28 Togan/Perego (TAMU): 6-3

Weekes/Rankin (UK) vs. Roddick/Casper (TAMU): 4-5 (uf)

Loutit/Baadi (UK) def. Pires/Taylor (TAMU): 6-3


No. No. 33 Raphael Perot (TAMU) def. No. 36 Taha Baadi (UK): 6-3,1-6, 6-4

Josh Lapadat (UK) def. When. 24 JC Roddick (TAMU): 6-3, 7-5

Jaden Weekes (UK) def. Togan Tokac (GUEST): 6-2, 6-2

Charlelie Cosnet (UK) def. Guilio Perego (GUEST): 6-4, 6-3

Tiago Pires (TAMU) def. Jack Loutit (UK): 6-4,6-4

Brayden Michna (TAMU) def. Matt Rankin (UK): 7-6 (8-6), 2-6, 6-1

Order of finishing:

Doubles 3.1

Singles 3,4,5,2*,1,6

For the latest UK Men Tennis news, follow the Wildcats on Twitter and Instagram at @UKMensTennis.




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