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RIT wants to shock the hockey world during the NCAA tournament

RIT wants to shock the hockey world during the NCAA tournament


Tigers will play second-ranked Boston University on Thursday

HENRIETTA, N.Y. (WROC) The RIT men's hockey team left campus Tuesday and began a long trip to Sioux Falls, South Dakota to take on Boston University in the first round of the NCAA tournament.

The Tigers will have their work cut out for them on Thursday against the second-place Terriers. Boston University already has 14 players on its roster who have already been drafted to NHL teams and that doesn't include Macklin Celebrini, their phenomenal freshman who is expected to be the top pick in this year's draft.

“I think it's going to be a great hockey game,” head coach Wayne Wilson said. “It's not two teams sitting back and falling into the trap, we're both chasing things. I think we like to play that style, so it's about whether we can play well enough to win with that style when you play someone like BU.”

While the Tigers respect all that BU has accomplished this season, they are not shying away from the challenge in any way.

“We have to be aware of what we're doing, but if we try to change our entire coaching style and everything we do, we're not going to have success,” Wilson said. “We want to do what we do best and do it as best we can and see where it stacks up.”

'RIT, we are elite. We have NHL players in this locker room, I really believe that,” said senior forward Elijah Gonsalves. “We have the talent to do it and we have the coaches to do it. They're planning very meticulously against their plan, so we're excited.”

The Tigers are motivated for Thursday's game. On ESPN's Bracket Selection show, the analysts didn't spend too much time discussing the Tigers, and they also called the graphics “Rochester” instead of “RIT.”

“It felt like they were closing in on us a little bit and we took a lead,” Gonsalves said. “We have a chip on our shoulder and we are very confident. There is a lot of confidence in training this week, so we are very excited.”

“Obviously, watching that selection show, there's a lot to have on our shoulders,” fifth-year Gianfranco Cassaro said. “We will certainly go into it with full dedication.”

Wilson disagreed with his players and said there is nothing on his team's shoulder, but he did note that the broadcast crew did not highlight much of his team's performance instead of focusing on the Tigers' age . RIT is the oldest team in the tournament.

“Every time we go to these selection shows, they'll be talking about the top four seeds in the entire tournament, and rightfully so,” Wilson said. 'They have earned that right. When you're the 15th seed, they don't talk about you much, and that's good for us.”

RIT is no stranger to pulling off upsets in the NCAA tournament. In 2015, they defeated top-seeded Minnesota State Mankato 2-1. And of course, in 2010, they defeated second-seeded Denver and then New Hampshire to reach the program's first and only Frozen Four.

“I think our team can use that because 'it can be done,' but now you have to go out and do it,” Wilson said.

Puck drops between Boston University and RIT on Thursday, March 28 at 5 p.m. The winner will face Minnesota or Omaha on Saturday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m. All games in the Sioux Falls region will be broadcast on ESPNU.




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