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After Larry Page founded Alphabet, Steve Jobs told him he was “too much”

After Larry Page founded Alphabet, Steve Jobs told him he was “too much”


From the beginning of Google, co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin believed the company had the potential for astronomical growth. Google, named after the number 1 with 100 zeros behind the term, googol, was just a search engine at the time, founded in 1998, but has since expanded to as much as the internet will allow. It has grown in scale.

The company goes far beyond the limits of the Internet alone. Google's parent company, Alphabet Inc., is valued at approximately $1.9 trillion and ranks No. 1 on Fortune magazine's 2024 Most Innovative Companies list. Google services, Google Cloud, and other BetsAlphabets are now under Other Bets, from Android, Chrome, YouTube, and Bard AI chatbots under services to cloud computing under Cloud, private equity fund CapitalG, DeepMind AI Research, and Waymo under Other Bets. there is. Google services account for 90% of the company's revenue, according to Fortune calculations from Alphabets' 2023 Q4 earnings report.

Page, the world's eighth richest person with a net worth of about $136 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, has certainly benefited from Alphabet's success. Mr. Page, who served as CEO of Google from 1997 to 2001 and 2011 to 2015, and CEO of Alphabet until 2019, remains a director and shareholder of the company and, along with co-founder Mr. Brin, effectively controls the company. It is managed by

Tuesday would have been Mr. Page's 51st birthday, and although he is a year older and wiser, he credits Apple's foresight for the future of the company, currently the world's sixth-most valuable. Co-founder Steve Jobs.

According to Walter Isaacson, author of Jobs' biography, Page visited Jobs in 2011 towards the end of Jobs' career and received some candid advice from his mentor. “The main thing I emphasized was concentration, Jobs said.'' Now it's spread all over the map. What are the five products you want to focus on? Get rid of the rest because they'll drag you down. They're trying to turn you into Microsoft. This results in a product that is good enough but not great.

In 2015, just days after Alphabet's October launch, Page told Fortune CEO Alan Murray at the Fortune Global Forum that he was right. I mean, it worked out for him too.

Page initially heeded his advice, telling employees to focus on Android products and the now-defunct Google+. But Alphabet's growth suggested the company was ready for bigger things and more.

Alphabet was designed as a container for Google's future business and even esoteric ideas like glucose-monitoring contact lenses. While Mr. Page acknowledged that Mr. Jobs was right to some extent, he also believed that Alphabet's ventures were interconnected and that energy, telecommunications, and transportation all fell under the company's umbrella.

I always thought it was kind of stupid to have a company this big and only do five things, Page said in a 2014 fireside conversation with Khosla Ventures. He said this while attacking Jobs.

Page and Brin were so sure of Alphabet's name and purpose that they didn't even do a market test.

Page said he wanted a name that people would be proud to work for.but [I] The idea was that we didn't want to make it too catchy because it's actually a corporate brand, not a consumer brand like Google.

Alphabet was a brand for its employees and investors, Page said. But he doesn't take credit for the name.

I chose Google, so [Sergey] I chose the alphabet.

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