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Hockey 101: How to become a super fan?

Hockey 101: How to become a super fan?


Okay, Tiger fans. It's time to sharpen your knowledge of the RIT hockey program now that the men's team has advanced to the NCAA Hockey Tournament.

After all, you want to sound like the smartest person at Thursday's viewing party at the Gene Polisseni Center.

So let's load up on some history and fun facts about the program:

  • While hockey was played unofficially by RIT students in the 1950s (even when it was once called the Techmen with blue and gray uniforms), it did not last until the 1950s. 1961-1962 season that a team was officially sanctioned by the university.
  • The team goal (pun 100 percent intended) this year is to win an unprecedented triple crown in hockey by winning the Division I national title. The Tigers captured the Division II crown in 1983, followed by a Division III title in 1985. The men's team moved to Division I in 2005.
  • The women's hockey team won the NCAA Division III crown in 2012 and was promoted to Division I that same year.

  • The women's hockey team won the NCAA Division III crown in 2012 and was promoted to Division I that year.
  • All three of these NCAA championship trophies are on display at the Gene Polisseni Center.
  • RIT Head Coach Wayne Wilson and Associate Head Coach Brian Hills already have a national championship ring. The duo were captains of the 1983 championship team in Bowling Green.
  • RIT Head Coach Wayne Wilson is in his 25th season at the helm of the Tigers. He was just mentioned Atlantic Hockey Coach of the Year and ranks 34th all-time in NCAA wins.
  • With more than 30,000 in attendance, the Tigers played in one of the largest indoor hockey competitions in history when they took on the Wisconsin Badgers in the 2010 Frozen Four. The Frozen Four was hosted that year at Ford Field in Detroit.
  • David vs. Goliath?
    • RIT's opponent, Boston University, currently has 17 players in the National Hockey League. RIT has one, Chris Tanev of the Dallas Starswho played on the Frozen Four team in 2010.
    • The Terriers currently have 13 NHL draft picks on their roster. RIT doesn't have one.
    • Macklin Celebrini, Boston's freshman center and the youngest player in the NCAA at 17, is the consensus pick for the 2024 NHL Draft.
    • This is the first time that RIT and Boston University have faced each other.
  • After the amazing Frozen Four run in 2010, university officials decided it was time to build a bigger arena than Frank Ritter. The Power Plan campaign had begun to build a new arena.
    • RIT alumni Stephen Schultz 89 (computer science) and his wife, Vicki Schultz 94 (business administration), 99 (MBA), presented the campaign's opening $1 million gift. Schultz, a founding member of RIT's colorful cheering section of the Corner Crew, sees this donation as an extension of his continued loyalty to the Tigers.
  • This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Polisseni Center.
  • There is a single orange seat at Polisseni. That chair is in honor of Green B. Williams 78 (business administration), a former RIT goalkeeper. After graduating, Williams enlisted in the United States Air Force, where he served with distinction. Tragically, he was killed in a pilot training accident on March 21, 1984
  • So, are you ready to cheer on the Tigers with your super fan knowledge? If you're interested in learning more, there's even a book published by RIT Press, Frozen in Time: The History of RIT Hockey.

    Turn on your game and Go Tigers!




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