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The 2024 World Table Tennis For Health Festival will be held in October in Maizires-les-Metz, France. Complete the interest form now!

The 2024 World Table Tennis For Health Festival will be held in October in Maizires-les-Metz, France.  Complete the interest form now!


We are excited to announce that the 2024 World Table Tennis For Health Festival will take place from October 23 to 27 in Maizires-les-Metz, France! Now it's time to express your interest in embarking on this journey by filling out the form (click here) and stay up to date with registration information, official packages and more!

Last year, from November 1 to 5, the world witnessed the Parkinson's and Alzheimer's community use the sport to share friendships, experiences and knowledge about fighting neurodegenerative diseases during the first World Table Tennis For Health Festival (WTT4HF) in Crete, Greece. The success of the festival opened a new chapter ahead of us.

As we reflect on the inspiring moments of the inaugural WTT4HF, we invite you to rewind the memories to where the stories began. Watch our throwback video that captures the essence of the festival:

After reliving these nostalgic memories, we are eagerly looking forward to the next adventure and invite all like-minded individuals from the Parkinson's and Alzheimer's communities to join us in Maizires-les-Metz this October.

Complete the form to express your interest in being part of this inspiring event!

By submitting this form you will be among the first to receive official information and details about the event, including the tournament prospectus, registration process and an information pack with early booking discounts and accommodation offers during the event. The official information and registration will be released in May 2024.

Keep in mind that:

  1. Submitting the form does NOT oblige you to register for the event.
  2. We recommend that you do not book accommodation until the tournament prospectus has been released and the packages have been announced.

About the festival:

Through the World Table Tennis Championships for Parkinson's, the World Table Tennis Championships for Alzheimer's and the World Table Tennis for Health Congress, WTT4HF aims to unite individuals facing similar diseases but of different ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds through a global competition platform. , sharing experiences and knowledge, and promoting the benefits of table tennis for physical, mental and social well-being. The championships brought players from all five continents together to compete and showcase the physical beauty of table tennis. Meanwhile, the conference provided a forum for experts, healthcare providers and researchers to explore the potential of table tennis against neurodegenerative diseases, raising hopes within the community. Amid the health benefits and fun the sport brings, participants cultivated lasting bonds and camaraderie, enhancing the festival's lasting impact.

Come join us to celebrate health, camaraderie and the love of table tennis at the World Table Tennis For Health Festival 2024!

Click here to express your interest in participating in the WTT4HF 2024




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