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Outdoor Track & Field Excited to compete in Texas Relays

Outdoor Track & Field Excited to compete in Texas Relays


AUSTIN The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) Vaqueros is excited about the opportunity to compete this week in the Texas Relays, one of the top outdoor events in the country.

This is the first season since 2019 that UTRGV has admitted student-athletes to the prestigious competition, which was canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The action kicks off for the Vaqueros on Thursday at Mike A. Myers Stadium. Fans can watch on Longhorn Network.

“We are very excited. This is the first time since I have been here that we have been able to qualify for the competition and be represented in every event group,” said head coachShareese Hickssaid. “We are looking forward to seeing everyone compete and make it to the finals.

UTRGV will send eight female student-athletes to compete in six individual events and will run two women's relays in Austin. It is also sending six men to tackle four individual events and will be represented in two men's relays.

The youth of the group that will compete at Texas Relays speak about the potential and progress within the program. FreshmenGael Romo,a Weslaco East alum,James FoxAndAdelheid Fleischmannfrom McAllen High andP'soularia Maxeywill compete on Friday. UTRGV sends 10 from its stellar sophomore class Symoria Adkins,Brownsville Hanna alumAlijah Castillo, Jaylen Critton, Nayla Harris, Jamari Harts, Derrius Hendrik, Hanna Hilding, Sam Johnson II, Rayja'nae PettitAndJedidja Udunna.

The upper class people representing the Vaqueros for the first time at this meeting will beJermarion Stewart, Samantha Gonzalez, Gabriel ThomasZoe Adams, It was Akers, Trinity Kirk, Jaleel ScottAndDaniel Siaffa.

If you get the opportunity to perform in front of a large audience at a summit midway through the outdoor season, it will be a great experience for learning and growing.

“It's a great atmosphere. It teaches you how to stay balanced when you have so many crowds and when you're up against schools with a strong history in the sport. I'm really happy that they're getting this opportunity and I'm rest assured they won't disappoint you,” said Hicks.

Through two outdoor meets, the Vaqueros have had great success and continued to show consistent development. Adkins was just named the Western Athletic Conference Women's Track Athlete of the Week for her outdoor debut, where she posted the conference's No. 1 time in the 100-meter hurdles and 200-meter dash. UTRGV currently has the highest time or score in seven events in the conference.

Hicks is proud of the growth her team has already shown and is confident the Texas Relays experience will increase the Vaqueros' confidence and readiness throughout the season.

“They knocked off the rust extremely quickly. They really figured out a lot of things to work on in the heat of the competition,” said Hicks. “It appeals to our young people who are growing up and becoming veterans and relying on their experience and generally being confident. We're happy with the growth and excited about the future progress.”

UTRGV scheme
Preliminary round 400 meters hurdles men, 5 p.m
Jaylen Critton
Daniel Siaffa

Final 5,000 meters women, 8.50 pm
Samantha Gonzalez

FRIDAY TRACK (rolling schedule)
Preliminary round 4×100 meters relay women, 9.35 am
Nayla HarrisZoe Adams, It was Akers, Symoria Adkins, Alijah Castillo

Preliminary round of men's 4×100 meter relay
Sam Johnson II, Jamari Harts, Jermarion Stewart, Gael Romo

Preliminary round 100 meters hurdles women
Symoria Adkins

Preliminary round 110 meters hurdles men
Jaylen Critton
James Fox

Preliminary rounds 100 meter sprint ladies
It was Akers
Nayla Harris

Preliminary rounds 100 meter sprint men
Jamari Harts
Gael Romo

Preliminary round of women's 4×400 meter relay
Alijah Castillo, P'soularia Maxey, Trinity KirkZoe Adams, Symoria Adkins

Preliminary rounds of men's 4×400 meter relay
Derrius Hendrik, Jermarion Stewart, Jamari Harts, Sam Johnson II

Men's 400m hurdles final, 5:40 p.m

To be determined

Women's long jump, section B, 10am
Rayja'nae Pettit

Men's long jump, section A, 12:30 p.m
Jedidja Udunna

Women's triple jump, section B, 3 p.m
Gabriel Thomas

Women's discus throw, section B, 10am
Adelheid Fleischmann
Hanna Hilding

SATURDAY TRACKFINALS (semi-rolling schedule)
1:30 p.m

Men's 4×100 meter relay
Relay 4×100 meters ladies

2:10 PM

Women's 100 meters hurdles
110 meters hurdles men

2:55 PM

Women's 100 meter sprint
Men's 100 meter sprint

4:05 PM

Men's 4×400 meter relay
Relay 4×400 meters ladies

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