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Cutter Gauthier the 72nd recipient of the Walter Brown Award

Cutter Gauthier the 72nd recipient of the Walter Brown Award


BOSTON Gridiron Club of Greater Boston president Tim Whelan Jr. announced today that Boston College sophomoreCutter Gauthier(Scottsdale, Ariz.) is recipient of the72NLWalter Brown Award, presented annually to the best American-born Division One college hockey player in New England.

Entering the NCAA Tournament quarterfinals, the 6-3, 190-pound Gauthier leads the nation in both goals scored with 35 and game-winning goals with ten. He has also amassed 24 assists; his 59 points place him second in the country in terms of overall score. Gauthier was a First-Team Hockey East All-Star and is one of ten candidates for the 2024 Hobey Baker Award. He was also a key contributor to the U.S. team's gold medal victory at the International Ice Hockey Federation World Junior Championships in 2024. He was drafted with the fifth overall pick by the Philadelphia Flyers in the first round of the 2022 NHL draft, and his rights were subsequently traded to the Anaheim Ducks.

The 31-5-1 Eagles won both the Hockey East regular season and playoff championships. They are atop the nation's rankings and will face 19-14-6 Michigan Tech in the first game of the Providence Regional on March 29.

BC coachGreg Brownstated, “The Gridiron Club of Greater Boston has made an excellent selection in Cutter Gauthier for the Walter Brown Prize. Cutter was dominant on the ice in all parts of the game. He leads the nation in goals scored, plays on both the power play and penalty kill, and does this night in and night out while playing against the opponent's top line. Cutter has been an excellent role model for his teammates, setting the intensity level in practice and pushing all the players around him to the next level.

“Cutter is just as diligent with his schoolwork as he is on the ice. He supports a number of community service initiatives including The New England Jumbos, BC Hockey Toy Drive and the BC “Stuff the Truck” Food Drive. Along with his teammates he also supports Team Impact and his teammate from Team Impact,Jos Bello.

“In short, Cutter is an excellent representative of himself, his family and Boston College. Walter Brown would be proud.”

The Walter Brown Award, the nation's oldest nationally recognized college hockey award, was established in 1953 by the members of the 1933 Massachusetts Rangers, the first American team ever to win the World Championship tournament. Brown coached the Rangers to the title in Prague, Czechoslovakia, where the team defeated Canada 2-1 in overtime in the championship game. The Walter Brown Award will be presented at the New England Hockey Writers' annual event on Tuesday, April 23 at the Prince Restaurant in Saugus, MA.

Winners of Boston College's Walter Brown Award

1954: Bob Bain
1961: Tom Martin
1963: Bill Hogan
1966: John Cunniff
1967: Jerry York
1968: Tim Sheehy
1969: Paul Hurley
1970: Tim Sheehy
1973: Tom Mellor
1976: Richie Smith
1978: Joe Mullen
1980: Army Bill
1981: Mark Switaj
1986: Scott Harlow (co-winner)
1987: Brian Leetch
1990: Greg Brown

1991: Dave Emma
1999: Mike Mottau (co-winner)
2001: Brian Gionta (co-winner)
2006: Chris Collins
2011: John Muse
2013: Steve Whitney
2014: Johnny Gaudreau
2024: Cutter Gauthier




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