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T&F stacks top programs at Tom Jones Memorial Invitational

T&F stacks top programs at Tom Jones Memorial Invitational


GAINESVILLE, Fla. Baylor athletics heads to the University of Florida to compete in the Tom Jones Memorial Invitational on the Percy Beard Track at James G. Pressly Stadium.

Competition begins Friday at 11 a.m. CT with the men's hammer throw and women's 200 meters. Day two starts at 8am with the women's discus throw and is expected to end with the men's 4×400 meter relay at 6pm.

Fans can follow along live with live results from PrimeTime timing and the meeting will be streamed live SEC Network+.


Before last week's weekend off for practice, the Bears participated in LSU's Battle on the Bayou in Baton Rouge. The women's distance team scores four new top 10 points from the program Rachel Hickey (800 meters, 1,500 meters), Ellie Hodge (1,500 meters) and Hayden Gold (3,000 meter spire). Koi Johnson also jumped to a collegiate title in the women's triple jump, recording the highest finish for a collegiate at 42-9. Molly Haywood And Alencia Lentzthe pole vaulters on the 98e Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays also finished their competition with a medal, finishing tied for second in the women's university/college elite section.


She is three weeks removed from the long jump program record at the Clyde Hart Classic, but Alexis Browns 21-11 is still the best outdoor jump of 2024 in NCAA Division I competition to date. The senior is ranked number 22 on the world list this season.


The TFRRS outdoor performance list features nine bears in the national top 25, led by Alexis Brown in the number 1 spot. Nathaniel Ezekiel (third – 400 mH), the men's 4×100 meter relay (sixth), Molly Haywood (seventh pole vault) and Alencia Lentz (seventh pole vault) each join Brown in the single digits, while the women's 4×100 meter relay is 10e, Demar Francis is 11e in the 400 meters, Koi Johnson is 13e for the triple jump and the 4×400 meter relay for men this is 15e of 3:05.68 at LSU.


Members of the BU distance team, with head cross country coach David Barnett, are heading to Azusa, California, to compete in the Bryan Clay Invitational. The meeting, with Rachel Hickey, Ellie Hodge, Ryan Hodge And Ruth Kimelistarts Thursday evening and continues FloTrack.


For the first time in 2024 Chinecherem Prosper Nnamdi is back throwing the javelin for the Bears in the college league. The two-time All-American began his junior season in Ghana, where he won the African Games title at the event with a new Nigerian record of 271-8.

To stay up to date on all things Baylor athletics throughout the year, follow the team on Facebook, X and Instagram: @BaylorTrack.

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