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Haryanvi and Bhojpuri's IPL commentary is cruder than cricket. Don't waste the opportunity

Haryanvi and Bhojpuri's IPL commentary is cruder than cricket.  Don't waste the opportunity


New Delhi: The IPL commentary in Haryanvi would be entertaining if it weren't for the misogyny, double meaning and body shaming that some commentators engage in. Cricket has evolved from a men's game to the female IPL, female test cricket and female umpires and commentators. . The language has also changed from batman to 'batter', from Man of the Match to Player of the Match. Why can't Haryanvi commentary, or Bhojpuri for that matter, complement this change?

For example, former Indian cricketer Virender Sehwag, while commentating during an IPL 2024 match, recalled his own description of an umpire physically shaming him.

Main use pregnant man where do you say? Mother has told me so much, when is your delivery? (I used to call him a pregnant man because of his big belly. I used to ask him when his delivery was), Sehwag said as his fellow commentators laughed.

In another instance, Sehwag made a misogynistic comment while talking about a cricketer and his way of positioning the fielders, playing on the word set.

By doing it this way, nothing is set in stone, my dream is never set in stone (You can't set up a hitter with that kind of field setting; I couldn't set up any girl), he said.

What stops commentators like Sehwag from realizing how a comment without rude comments not only benefits the game but also the language and culture?

Haryanvi songs have done enough damage to the culture by shaming women and propagating rules for them after marriage. The misogyny in Haryana is no mystery to anyone. The sex ratio at birth and the date of violence against women speak for themselves. Cricket commentators don't need to be a member of the club.

When Jio Cinema, the official digital channel of IPL 2024, decided to include commentary in languages ​​other than English and Hindi, promotion of local culture must have been on their minds. But it's time for them to realize that some sort of filter is needed, and maybe even take action against errant commenters.

Also read: What is a full toss in Jios Bhojpuri IPL? Ravi Kishan makes him cover the Ara-Chhapra distance

Turning beautiful into gross

Bhojpuri is another language where the commentary often tends towards double meaning jokes. The Bhojpuri film and music industry has played a major role in ruining the image of this spoken language from Bihar. The opportunity that a platform like IPL offers them is being destroyed by male commentators who find it easier to fall back on crude jokes when simple cricket commentary will suffice. It's as if the language just can't be spoken without some comment about women or their clothes (ghagra, choli).

The commentary in the match between Sunrisers Hyderabad and Kolkata Knight Riders at the Eden Gardens was appalling to say the least. It was downright rude and insulting to women.

Users on X (formerly Twitter) were not happy at all. These people don't know how to comment at all. They are only degrading the Bhojpuri language. They don't know what cricket is!

This is not to say that the commentary cannot be entertaining or relatable. Hawa main chahda hai, tau don't park a few, the vehicle must be fielder. (The shot is played in the air, your uncle does not catch the ball, a field player must be present).

However, such descriptions still rely on making things personal or drawing on familial references, which seems to suggest that the main idea behind such commentary is to make it funny rather than informative for the listeners.

The slang is funny, but the jokes about women and body shaming are not. There are better ways to make people laugh and make the commentary entertaining. A cheap joke is not one of them.

Opinions are personal.

(Edited by Prashant)




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