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University of Mississippi – Ole Miss Athletics

University of Mississippi – Ole Miss Athletics


OXFORD, ma'am. Ole Miss Football ended the spring with a bang, gathering for its annual spring game with a twist for 2024 with the inaugural running of the Grove Bowl Games from Vaught-Hemingway Stadium and Jerry Hollingsworth Field on Saturday afternoon.

The Red and Navy teams faced off in a dunk contest, 7-on-7, tug-of-war, a hot dog eating contest and a Grove Bowl Gauntlet, as Red came away with the narrow victory at 71-70.

The Rebels switched to the hardwood and started with a dunk contest on Saturday Brandon Turnage and the Red Team took home bragging rights, opening an early lead at 21-0.

In the first of four quarters of 7-on-7, Red struck first and scored a touchdown with Walker Howard connect with Austin Acton to extend the lead to 27-0.

While Rood and Navy faced off in five rounds of tug-of-war, Rood's dominance continued with a first-round win, which added four points to the score, 31-0. Navy broke through during the second round, earning the first points of the day while trailing 31-4. Red reasserted themselves in round three, adding four more points to make the score 35-4. Navy claimed round four to force a decisive round five in the tug-of-war, with a score of 35-8. As Staff settled in for round five, Red picked up its third win by beating Navy in tug-of-war to stay ahead, 39-8.

The second quarter of 7-on-7 began with Howard connecting with Action again for his second touchdown of the day, extending Red's hold to 46-8. Navy reached the end zone on a short touchdown pass AJ Maddox Unpleasant Cayden Leetrailing 46-14.

Featuring a cameo appearance from hot dog eating champion Joey Chestnut who filled in for Navy by eating 20 hot dogs in 90 seconds. After taking the win, Navy crawled back in on red to close the gap to 10 at 46-36.

Back to 7-on-7, Austin Simmons connected with Lee for his second touchdown of the day as Navy pulled within three at 46-43. Throw a gold money ball into the mix for extra points, Jaxson Dart reaches Tre Harris in the endzone for Red to go up 56-43.

Navy took on the Grove Bowl Gauntlet and ran away with wins in three of the four rounds, while Red still led 61-58.

Heading into the final quarter of 7-on-7 on the day, Navy took its first lead with a touchdown from Simmons to Ayden Williams and continue at 65-61. A 50-yard field goal from Caden Davis scored three more points for Navy with seven minutes of action remaining. Navy extended its lead to a double-digit lead by 73-61.

A coach's scoring change gave Navy a six-point lead at 70-64 with under two minutes remaining. A deep shot from Howard MacOwen on the Red side forced a draw at 70 all. Still tied at 70, it came down to a make or miss field goal by Navy's Davis. From 65 yards, Davis failed to give Red a 71-70 victory in the 2024 Grove Bowl Games.

Don't miss any of the action in the Vaught in 2024. Go toOleMissTix.comnow to purchase season tickets, or click here for more information.




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