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Jennings hits 172 to build a first-innings lead over Hampshire

Jennings hits 172 to build a first-innings lead over Hampshire


Jennings hits 172 to build a first-innings lead over Hampshire

Keaton Jennings quickly refuted a Utilita Bowl jinx with a fine century to lift Lancashire into a big first innings lead over Hampshire.

Five batters Nick Gubbins, James Vince, Tom Perst, Liam Dawson and Luke Wells had scored fifty runs without converting to three figures in the first match at the newly renamed ground.

But Jennings turned his 85 into 172 overnight, barely a moment out of form. 21-year-old George Bell accompanied him brilliantly but was left cursing himself after exhausting himself for 99, with a maiden first-class century within reach.

Lancashire were eventually bowled out for 484, with Liam Dawson taking four for 156 with a 117-point lead. Hampshire lost two wickets to Will Williams before the close as they reached 39 for two.

Neither the pitch nor the Kookaburra ball have helped the bowlers in any way, but batters have been able to hit their stride in the Utilita Bowl.

The only time Jennings had looked uncomfortable during his seven-and-a-half hour vigil was on day two, when he was dropped at point 36 by Nick Gubbins.

Otherwise it was a 360-degree demonstration of his skills, with the fast bowlers' lack of movement not worrying him and his renowned brilliance against spin keeping the threats low.

Jennings reached his 28th first-class century in 234 balls with an effortless cover drive as he and Bell eased through the morning session.

In fact, Hampshire's only moment of joy came when they thought James Fuller had produced a lead over Jennings, but their celebration was cut short by the referee's missing finger.

Jennings went past 150, something six of his last seven red-ball centuries have done, with Lancashire reaching 350 before the bonus points expired. That point means Lancashire will gain one extra point if this ends in a draw.

The 40th over of the day finally ended the 166-run stand between Jennings and Bell, when Dawson trapped Jennings while playing a reverse sweep.

Bell was largely risk-averse throughout his innings but showed the ability to drive attractively and find gaps adeptly.

He would not be rushed with his fifty coming in 132 balls, with a century looking inevitable despite Dawson having caught Matthew Hurst at first slip and earlier the leg of Tom Bailey, having earlier held his ground after James Vince incorrectly claimed a fly ball.

The only time he looked skittish was in the 1990s, when he went out for a single when it was needed for a great first ton. A point was never really on offer, something Jack Blatherwick recognized and sent back, but too late for Ian Holland to hit straight from point.

Dawsons wheeled away tirelessly for 49 overs, finishing with the bowling of Will Williams, before Fuller claimed his second of the innings as Blatherwick fell behind.

In 21 overs in the twilight under the lights, all the visiting bowlers beat the bat numerous times but were rewarded with a few wickets.

Williams tickled the outside edge of a defending Fletcha Middleton and a swishing Ali Orr to give Lancashire hope of forcing a final day win.


Photos by Luke Adams, Dan Adams

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