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Palacios: Google's fiber optic cables will help attract new investment and industry | Local news

Palacios: Google's fiber optic cables will help attract new investment and industry | Local news


Governor Arnold Palacios joins Guam Lieutenant Governor Josh Tenorio and Google Networks Infrastructure Regional Network Manager Yan Tan on board the Subcom CS Dependable, which will be laying submarine fiber cables through the Mariana Islands. Ta.

They were joined by Rear Adm. Gregory Huffman, Tinian Mayor Edwin Aldan, Sen. Jude Hofschneider (R-Tinian), Citadel CEO Jim Bailey, and Special Assistant for Broadband Policy Development Glenn Hunter. Other leaders aboard the CS Dependable are working on laying an undersea fiber cable through the Mariana Islands.

Last week, Palacios announced a groundbreaking partnership with global technology leader Google to install the first-ever trans-Pacific fiber-optic cable on the CNMI coast, but the governor said he wanted to build on the local culture and We named this cable Proa, paying homage to the traditional sailing ships that are a symbol of our heritage.

Tokyo-based company NEC's Proa submarine cable will connect Japan, the CNMI, and Guam, according to Google. To further enhance reliability in this region, the NEC cable system Taiwan-Philippines-United States (known as TPU) will be extended to his CNMI. As the CNMI's first international submarine cable, Proa and TPU will jointly establish a new route between the mainland United States and Shima, Japan.

Mr. Palacios said it was important to ensure direct connectivity to Japan and, later, to other parts of the Pacific Rim, as submarine cables provide a critical link to the world's communications networks.

Google's cable landing in the CNMI will help unlock a variety of long-term economic and communications benefits, Palacios added. Businesses and homes in the CNMI also have access to reliable, high-speed internet, allowing for seamless data exchange and multiple options for participating in global digital markets. This increased connectivity will attract new industry and investment, create local jobs, and help boost the overall economy. (public relations)

According to a Google news release, undersea cables have the potential to bring economic and productivity improvements to connected locations. For example, in Japan, research estimates that investments in Google's network infrastructure have added more than $400 million to GDP over the past decade. Increasing access to digital services enables more people to take advantage of skill development and career opportunities, and allows businesses and public sector organizations to better serve their customers and constituents.

Currently, the CNMI relies heavily on Guam as its only gateway to the Internet. According to the CNMI Broadband Policy and Development Office, the current dependency on cable passing through Guam only poses greater risks.

Hunter said any disruption or incident on Guam, whether natural, technological or geopolitical, could disrupt the CNMI's critical lifeline and make the island and its residents vulnerable to other parts of the world. He said that there is a possibility of being separated from the The CNMI cannot rely on a single point, especially during natural disasters and other emergencies.

“I am honored to have the privilege of naming the cable Proa and participating in the unveiling of this innovative network that will revolutionize connectivity in the CNMI,” said Palacios. The name Proa is inspired by traditional sailing canoes and captures the essence of connectivity and cultural heritage. This represents a collaborative journey that this project represents, reflecting resilience and progress as we collectively move towards a future full of opportunity and prosperity for our islands.

We would like to thank Google for their commitment to including the CNMI in the Pacific Connect Initiative, which perfectly aligns with our vision for a more connected, resilient, and technologically advanced Pacific region. Palacios said. (public relations)




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