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Draws released to 4.3 million fans: Phase 1 sets off intense fighting in Macau

Draws released to 4.3 million fans: Phase 1 sets off intense fighting in Macau


The draw for the ITTF Men's and Women's Macao 2024 World Cup has been announced, with Phase 1 matchups starting things off with a bang. Get ready to watch 96 of the world's best athletes battle it out for an elusive spot into the next stage, with only the winner of each group advancing to Stage 2. As we get ready to kickstart the event tomorrow , stay up to date with the schedules and results here.

Fans were in full force for the occasion, with more than 4.3 million live viewers from around the world tuning in to see the results of their favorite players. The stellar viewership indicates the strong anticipation and excitement waiting around the corner when the matches begin tomorrow.

In men's singles, top seed Wang Chuqin will start this inaugural Men's World Cup campaign against Kirill Gerassimenko and An Jaehyun in Group 1. With impeccable head-to-head records against both opponents (2:0 against Gerassimenko and 5:0 against An), Wang looks to be a favorable path to proceed to the next phase. With two previous titles in Macao at the WTT Champions Macao 2023 and 2022, Wang sets the stage for an impressive performance next week that is sure to delight the fans.

Defending champion Fan Zhendong will start his title defense against Wong Chun Ting and Benedikt Duda. Riding an impressive 16-match win streak, Fan will look to continue his momentum by securing his 17th and 18th victories early in the tournament. Wong recently claimed the WTT Feeder Varazdin 2024 title and a Mixed Doubles ticket to the Paris Olympics. He is currently in top form and will pose quite a challenge for the world number 2.

First of all, I am very happy to see the World Cup coming back after three years and for every athlete the World Cup will be a good opportunity to show ourselves and I will do my best and I hope I can play at my best. . Fan Zhendong.

In Group 14, fans can be treated to an exciting showdown between Anton Kallberg, Lim Jonghoon and youngster Izaac Quek. With Kallberg and Lim's final showdown at the 2023 ITTF Mixed Team World Cup where Lim claimed three matches, Kallberg will undoubtedly face a fierce challenge and will need to bring his A-game to the table to secure his place in the next stage set.

In the Womens Singles, top seed Sun Yingsha faces her first challenges in Group 1 against Chen Szu-Yu and Zhu Chengzhu. After meeting both opponents multiple times and emerging victorious in each encounter, Sun's World Cup campaign is expected to start without any major obstacles. Nevertheless, given the new four-game format, the outcome remains unpredictable, leaving room for every player to seize victory.

Personally, I think the four-match competition is very fast in terms of game system and you have to control the rhythm of the game and for every athlete the game system is new. Sun Yingsha.

In Group 4, defending champion Chen Meng will face Sreeja Akula and Natalia Bajor as she looks to regain her title. This meeting represents the first meeting between the 2020 Women's World Cup winner and Akula of Bajor. It is notable that Akula and Bajor have only faced each other once before in 2019, where Akula emerged victorious by a narrow 4-3 margin.

2016 Women's World Cup winner Miu Hirano will kick off her 2024 World Cup run opposite Jia Nan Yuan and Jocelyn Lam in Group 14. A sense of intrigue surrounding this group, this will mark the first meeting for either of these players at the international phase.

With just one spot up for grabs in Stage 2, fans can expect three days of intense table tennis action as players battle for the coveted Stage 2 spot in this innovative playing format.

Before the draw ceremony, ITTF President Petra Srling, ITTF Vice President Liu Guoliang and ITTF Group CEO Steve Dainton addressed the media, setting the tone for the upcoming tournament. President Srling emphasized the importance of the event, saying: “Three years. This is how long since ITTF last held a World Singles World Cup… the wait is finally coming to an end.” Steve Dainton echoed this sentiment, adding: “We are about to embark on a journey that will take table tennis to unprecedented heights. Special thanks to the Sports Bureau of the Government of the Macau Special Administrative Region and to our presenting partner, Galaxy Entertainment Group, whose continued support has been instrumental in bringing this vision to life.” Liu Guoliang added: “We also hope that through this World Cup, the ITTF and the Macao SAR Government can work together to not only organize the World Cup, but also strengthen friendship and cooperation so that table tennis can continue to take root in Macau.”




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