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Michigan football placed on probation, fined for recruiting violations after deal with the NCAA

Michigan football placed on probation, fined for recruiting violations after deal with the NCAA


Michigan's football program will spend the next three years on NCAA probation. The program will also have to pay a fine and face recruiting restrictions, according to the terms of an agreement with NCAA enforcement staff.

On Tuesday, the NCAA announced that the university and five current or former members of the football staff have accepted the deal, which stemmed from “recruiting violations and coaching activities by non-coaching staff members.”

The violations related to impermissible recruiting and coaching during the dead period of COVID-19. The NCAA sent a formal notice of allegations to the University of Michigan in December.


An exterior view of Michigan Stadium

(Simon Bruty/Sport Illustrated via Getty Images/File)

The university is facing four Level II violations. Level II violations generally have less serious consequences than Level I violations. The violations The issue in question first surfaced in January 2023. Former football head coach John Harbaugh faced a Level I violation after allegedly failing to cooperate with or possibly misleading investigators.

Texting during the dead period and allowing analysts to oversee both virtual practices and on-court activities were among the violations cited by the NCAA.


“The agreed violations include impermissible in-person recruiting contacts during a COVID-19 dead period, impermissible tryouts, and the program exceeding the allowable number of countable coaches when non-coaching staff members are engaged in on- and off-field coaching activities (including providing technical and tactical skills to student-athletes),” the NCAA said in a statement.

A Michigan football helmet

(James Black/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images/File)

The NCAA also stated that Michigan acknowledged its shortcomings in preventing “the impermissible recruiting contacts.”

“The negotiated resolution also included the school's agreement that the underlying violations demonstrated a breach of head coach responsibility and that the former football head coach failed to fulfill his responsibility to cooperate with the investigation. The school also agreed agreed that it had failed to deter and detect the impermissible recruitment.” contacts and did not ensure that the football program was following the rules for non-coaching staff.”

Michigan Wolverines helmet

(Kevin Abele/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images/File)

As a result, Michigan and several staffers agreed to multiple sentences, including three years of probation. The university will also have to pay a fine and will also face some recruitment restrictions. The coaches involved in the violations have been subject to a one-year show-cause order.

Michigan went undefeated in 2023 and ended the school's title drought by defeating the Washington Huskies in the College Football Playoff National Championship game. Harbaugh decided to return to the NFL and agreed to become the next head coach of the Los Angeles Chargers in January.


The NCAA investigation into allegations that former Michigan football staffer Connor Stallions helped orchestrate a sign-stealing operation is a separate case and remains ongoing.

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