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Red Wings miss playoffs despite 5-4 shootout win over Canadiens

Red Wings miss playoffs despite 5-4 shootout win over Canadiens


MONTREAL (AP) — The Detroit Red Wings were knocked out of the playoffs again Tuesday night, and it could hardly have happened in a more heartbreaking way.

Patrick Kane scored the shootout winner in a 5–4 Detroit victory over the Montreal Canadiens in their regular season finale, completing a comeback following a dramatic tying goal from David Perron with 3.3 seconds left in regulation time.

But it didn't matter.

The Red Wings entered the night tied with Washington for the East's second wild-card spot with 89 points, but the Capitals held the tiebreaker over Detroit with more regulation wins.

Meanwhile, Washington was visiting Philadelphia, and the 87-point Flyers needed a regulation win and a regulation loss in Detroit to keep their playoff hopes alive.

Just after the Red Wings celebrated Perron's heroic tying goal, the Flyers, not realizing that Detroit had forced overtime and still effectively ended their season, pulled the goalie with three minutes remaining in a 1-1 tie with Washington to try to win. in regulations.

However, TJ Oshie quickly scored into the empty net give the Capitals a 2-1 leadand Washington ultimately booked its ticket to the postseason.

The way it played out, you can't even make that up, Red Wings coach Derek Lalonde said.

Daniel Sprong had a goal and an assist, while Moritz Seider, Joe Veleno and David Perron also scored for Detroit (41-32-9). James Reimer stopped 29 shots for Detroit.

The Red Wings had the upper hand a dramatic 5-4 victory in extra time about the Canadiens on home ice a day earlier.

And despite staging another stunning comeback on Tuesday, Detroit will miss the playoffs for the eighth straight season.

We just wouldn't leave, we wouldn't die. Comeback after comeback, said Dylan Larkin, who added that the Red Wings found out they would be packing their bags for the offseason before the shooting.

To hear how it went, that hurts, I think. Our group, very resilient, came back into the game and you know what, it's just a shame.

Brendan Gallagher and Juraj Slafkovsky had a goal and an assist, while Alex Newhook and Cole Caufield also scored for Montreal (30-36-16). Cayden Primeau made 36 saves.

Canadiens fans got their first glimpse of some up-and-coming blueliners in the organization. Logan Mailloux made his NHL debut after spending the entire season with the American Hockey League's Laval Rocket. The 21-year-old produced one assist for his first NHL point.

Meanwhile, 20-year-old Lane Hutson showed off his moves, drew loud applause and produced a crucial assist for the first time while playing at the Bell Center. He made his debut Monday in Detroit, where he earned one assist.

The crowd was great, I kind of fed off of it,” Hutson said. It's really cool. I mean, they're smart fans. They know when a play might happen and you hear the whole play, so it's really special.

Down 3-2 after 40 minutes, the Red Wings tied the game 3:31 into the third period with a shot from behind the net that went off Primeau's pads and into the net.

Slafkovsky put Montreal back in front with his 20th of the season, deflecting a point shot from Hutson at 12:46.

With Detroit's season on the line and the goaltender pulled, Perron tied the game with a one-timer from an offensive zone draw after a questionable icing call went against Montreal with seven seconds left.

It kept the Red Wings season alive, only temporarily.

It's crazy, it obviously stings a lot, Perron said. When you look at the clock, there are seven seconds, and then score that goal and then come back to the bench, you hear not long after (were out).






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