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Ohio State Edges Pitt Wednesday Night, 3-2

Ohio State Edges Pitt Wednesday Night, 3-2


Columbus, OH The Ohio State softball team survived both the rain and the Pitt Panthers on Wednesday night to earn a 3-2 victory at Buckeye Field in a game that was delayed nearly 90 minutes due to a series of thunderstorms that moved through central Ohio in the late afternoon. .

The win improved Ohio State's overall record to 24–17. Pitt, meanwhile, falls to 13-28.

The short story

Ohio State scored three runs in the bottom of the second and it proved to be enough offense to carry the night, as the trio of Emily Ruck, Lexi Paulsen And Allison Smith kept Pitt off the scoreboard in six of the game's seven innings. Ruck went 4.1 innings, allowing four hits with two strikeouts, while Paulsen came in during the middle innings and had 1.2 innings of work. Allison Smith retired the last three batters of the evening and picked up her second save of the season.

How the runs were scored

  • The Buckeyes were able to produce their three runs in the bottom of the second inning, while allowing just one hit.
  • Ohio State was helped by four walks, two of which occurred with the bases loaded and allowed runs to score. The third run came in on a fielder's choice.
  • McKenzie Bump started the inning with an infield single. The next three batters walked, including Hanna Churchwho scored the first point of the match. Kaitlyn Farley also got an RBI on a basesloaded walk.
  • The third and final run of the frame was then scored Tegan Cortellitti achieved through fielder's choice and Kirsten Eppele scored.
  • Pittsburgh scored two runs in the top of the fourth on a pair of RBI doubles. The Panthers then left runners on base in the fifth, sixth and seventh innings.

Buckeye this and that

  • The first pitch on Wednesday took place at 7:26 PM, which was 1:26 PM past the originally scheduled time of 6:00 PM. Once the storm passed, however, fans were treated to a cool and comfortable evening at Buckeye Field.
  • A host of four-legged friends were also in attendance as the first-ever Bark at the Park took place at Buckeye Field.
  • Cortellitti's two hits raise her season batting average to a team-best .418. She has scored at least one goal in 29 of the last 31 games.
  • Ohio State improved to 6-2 at home this season and in those games they outscored their opponents 48-32.
  • After a 1-for-3 showing tonight, McKenzie Bump is batting .464 over the last 10 games with a .531 on-base percentage. That figure is only surpassed by Kirsten Eppelewho has a .500 average in the game-10-game stretch with five extra base hits and seven RBI.

What's next

Ohio State will host its second Big Ten home series of the season this weekend when it welcomes Maryland to the Buckeyes court for a three-game set Friday through Sunday. The series starts Friday with a first pitch at 6 p.m. All matches will be streamed live on BTN+.

Individual game tickets are available with prices ranging from $4-$8 before fees. Seating at Buckeye Field is general admission. A limited number of student tickets will be available for free with a BuckID at each game on a first-come, first-served basis. Children under the age of two are admitted free but must sit on an adult's lap.

Tickets can be purchasedHEREand the full schedule is available at One ticket is good for admission to both games on Tuesday.




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