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How innovation ecosystems can accelerate the growth of quantum technologies

How innovation ecosystems can accelerate the growth of quantum technologies


Quantum technology is the latest emerging science that is seeing rapid innovation through an ecosystem of public-private partnerships, spilling information from research silos and planting the seeds for commercial applications. However, government-private sector partnerships don't have to be multi-million dollar labs. For example, I found it at the Embassy Suites Hotel in South Bend, Indiana.

At the Quantum Technology Center's spring industry advisory board meeting, professors from the University of Notre Dame and Indiana University sat next to us. Over lunch, they engaged me and other member experts in a lively discussion about quantum research. This conversation challenged the starting point of an idea, bringing together peers at the table to consider where it might one day take it.

The quantum field is like the early internet, where independent activity flourished. CQT is part of the National Science Foundation's Industry-University Cooperative Research Center group, which works with leading researchers, guides their work, and applies their discoveries. Academia, government, and industry are closely connected in public-private partnerships such as his CQT, a four-campus National Science Foundation affiliate with Amazon Web Services, Eli Lilly and Co., and Toyota Motor Corporation.

What is a public-private partnership/PPP?

A public-private partnership, also known as a PPP, can be a forum for collaboration between public and private agencies or an agreement that brings private funding or expertise to a government project or program.

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Accelerate the pace of change with PPP collaboration

Competition among nations for quantum technology is spurring the growth of the PPP ecosystem. Developments in quantum science have profound implications for security practices and international relations. Defense, intelligence agencies, and commercial contractors are engaging researchers in proof-of-concept projects that bring quantum innovation closer to commercial applications. According to an April 2024 McKinsey report, the US government has pledged $3.7 billion to quantum computing projects.

Federal investments support quantum pioneers through regional partnerships. IBM, Microsoft, and quantum companies such as Infleqtion and qBraid are participating in Bloch, a PPP quantum collaboration in line with their share of a $70 million grant awarded this year by the U.S. Economic Development Administration. Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker predicts the Bullock family's $650 million in public and private funding will create 30,000 jobs.

The consortium expands the research capabilities of federally operated Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab, making the Midwest a cradle of quantum development. Block's partners at his four major research universities in Chicago, Illinois, Northwestern, and Wisconsin are working on a wide range of quantum technologies, from quantum processors and algorithms to precision quantum sensors and secure quantum communications. Masu. Bloch is eligible to apply for millions of dollars in federal funding to implement programs to move the discovery closer to commercialization.

At the daylong Notre Dame event, industry advisors did more than just engage in table conversation. Professors from CQT's academic partners at Purdue, Indiana, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and the University of Notre Dame presented his 17 research studies. In a closed meeting, we provided feedback and determined which projects should receive his CQT funding for postdoc and graduate student salaries, travel expenses, and access to resources such as quantum computers and manufacturing hardware. Recommended.

Industry advisors also discussed their projects. Such close PPP collaborations not only expose industry to academic innovation, but also set the stage for joint proof-of-concept projects where partners develop novel ideas. For example, a quantum state cannot be intercepted without destroying it. The theory of a highly secure and eavesdropping-free quantum internet is to send entangled qubits through a series of relays, exchanging photons. But the hardware for these quantum repeaters is still being built. Such initiatives were discussed there.

How partnerships drive success

Quantum has some early internet excitement that has yet to be unraveled. But CQT's competition for funding has echoes of the more focused Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency competition from 20 years ago. DARPA Grand Challenge awarded his $1 million to the first academic team to complete the competition route in a self-driving car. This collaboration was an early test of artificial intelligence, machine vision, and sensor systems. The MacGyver-like vehicles that drove through the DARPA Grand Challenge course provided a proof of concept for today's still-infant self-driving cars.

Since then, the Partnership Track has become the federal government's model for applying early-stage technology to solve end-user problems. In the pharmaceutical industry, for example, the Accelerated Medicines Partnership's data-sharing program has accelerated drug discovery for Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, lupus, Parkinson's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis over the past decade.

Quantum partnerships not only extend research to private sector partners, but also build vendor networks with relevant hardware, software, or service capabilities. Quantum communications requires developers to combine services such as the Cienas coherent optical platform, Toshiba's quantum key distribution solution, and Microsoft's Azure Quantum cloud service. Business partners and contacts can help you find manufacturers and subcontractors with quantum expertise.

Quantum Orbit now includes national PPP cooperation. In Illinois, Governor Pritzker has supported a $500 million plan to develop cryogenic facilities and quantum campuses in the state, with $200 million in matching funding. Neighboring Indiana has earmarked his $4 million for quantum-ready capacity upgrades to the state's communications infrastructure under the Indiana READI program.

The Indiana program directs $500 million in public, private, and philanthropic funding to economic development, education, and resiliency projects. Local authorities are encouraged to participate by providing local expertise to set priorities and support costly capital decisions. As quantum, AI, and other technologies become more widespread, state and local partners could play a more important role, providing tax incentives and credits for quantum-enabled future quantum computers, data centers, and fiber optic cables. There is a gender.

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Preparing the quantum workforce

In the next three to five years, quantum will be poised to make the kind of advances we are currently seeing in generative AI. Complementary technologies have the potential to transform finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and other sectors. By sponsoring innovation research institutes and his DARPA-style challenges, public-private partnerships can advance quantum technologies from discovery to commercialization. And if quantum computers can solve problems that are practically unsolvable, graduates of a Midwest academic collaboration will lead the effort to harness the computer's power.

But more traditional economic development partnerships are essential to the quantum future. Not everyone needs to be a physicist to work on new quantum applications. The quantum internet will require more data centers, and their resource-intensive networks will create environmental problems. Without open discussion and urban planning, new technologies may only widen current disparities.

For people to benefit from quantum science, they need to understand where the science is going, how to support change, and where communities can access quantum services to ensure no one is left behind. . Building a quantum-ready workforce that understands the science and is open to its possibilities will bring a positive spin on quantum beyond the lab.




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