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Campbell, Drexel and Charleston win first-round matches at the CAA Men's Tennis Championship

Campbell, Drexel and Charleston win first-round matches at the CAA Men's Tennis Championship


Campbell, Drexel and Charleston win first-round matches at the CAA Men's Tennis Championship

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WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (April 18, 2024) Campbell, Drexel and Charleston posted victories in the first round of the 2024 CAA Men's Tennis Championship on Thursday at the Mackesy Tennis Center on the William & Mary campus.

#8 Charleston 4, #9 North Carolina A&T 2

Senior Zac Larke battled past Lucas Coupu-Moison, 7-6 (3), 6-4 at No. 2 singles, sending 8e– advanced Charleston (12-10) to the quarterfinals with a 4-2 win at 9e-seeded North Carolina A&T (15-5).

Charleston took an early 1-0 lead after a competitive doubles point. A&Ts No. 2 duo, Said Akbarov and Ian Pedersen, rolled past Matias Gaedechens and JD Rojas 6-1, but the Cougars held on as their No. 3 tandem, Zac Larke and Brolin Dorsey, rallied from Mathieu Dussaubat and Kaua Santos held off. for a 6-4 victory. The point was decided at No. 1, when Charleston's Mattia Bernardi and Eddie Vo got a break at 5-all and then posted a 7-5 victory over Esteban Lopez and Coupu-Moison.

The Cougars extended their lead to 3-0 when Vo defeated Pedersen 6-1, 6-2 at No. 4 singles and Rojas defeated Dussaubat 7-5, 6-0 at No. 6. The Aggies fought back when Akbarov defeated Gaedechens, 6-2, 6-1 at No. 3 and Lopez recorded a 6-3, 6-4 win over Bernardi at No. 1. With A&T in the lead at No. 5, Larke was able to close out the match. match by breaking Coupu-Moison and earning the decisive point.

#7 Drexel 4, #10 Hofstra 0

Alan Jesudason and Egor Kirakosov secured three-set victories, making it seven setse-Drexel (13-8) posted a hard-fought 4-0 win at 10e-seeded Hofstra (7-11).

The Dragons claimed the doubles point with a pair of convincing wins. Drexel's No. 1 team of Jesudason and Alex De Sousa defeated Hideki Matsuoka and Vincent Turina 6-1, and the No. 3 tandem of Pierre Humayou and Hussein El Tawil defeated Joshua Reynolds and Maxim Michaels 6-1.

In singles, De Sousa defeated Matthew Garcia 7-5, 6-2 at No. 3 to make it 2-0. Drexel closed out the match as Jesudason fought past Ostap Kovalenko 6-2, 2-6, 6-4 at No. 1, and Kirakosov rallied for 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 over Kaita Odani at No. 1.5.

#6 Campbell 4, #11 Hampton 0

Tomas Balazi recorded wins in singles and doubles to help reach 6e-seeded Campbell past 11e-placed Hampton 4-0 in the Camels' first CAA tournament.

The Camels took the doubles point and took a 1-0 lead. Campbell's No. 2 team of Damien Nezar and Tomas Balazi defeated Shine Tokas and Benjamin Mwanza 6-1, but Hampton responded with a win at No. 3 as Daniel Flynn and Aryan Arora defeated Pol Otin and Matias Lofink 6-2 . Campbell took the point as No. 1 when the duo of Benjamin Maes and Lukas Steffen defeated Emiliano Jorquera and Donte Armbrister 6-2.

Campbell finished the match with three straight singles victories. The Camels Luke Tollenaar defeated Mwanza 6-0, 6-0 at No. 6 and Pol Otin followed with a 6-2, 6-4 win over Arora at No. 5. Balazi won the match by beating Tokas 6-2, 6-4 at number 4.

The CAA Men's Tennis Championship continues on Friday with four quarterfinals. Top-seeded UNCW meets #8 Charleston at 9 a.m., followed by #4 Monmouth vs. #5 William & Mary at 12 p.m. #2 Delaware will face #7 Drexel at 3:00 PM and #3 Elon will face #6 Campbell at 6:00 PM

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First round April 18, 2024
Mackesy Tennis Center Williamsburg, Virginia.

#8 Charleston 4, #9 North Carolina A&T 2

#1 Esteban Lopez (A&T) d. Mattia Bernardi (CofC), 6-3, 6-4
#2 Zac Larke (CofC) d. Lucas Coupu-Moison (A&T), 7-6 (3), 6-4
#3 Said Akbarov (A&T) d. Matthias Gaedechens (CofC), 6-2, 6-1
#4 Eddie Vo (CofC) d. Ian Pedersen (A&T), 6-1, 6-2
#5 Jordy Larke (CofC) vs. Kaua Santos (A&T) DNF, 4-6, 6-0, 4-5
#6 JD Rojas (CofC) d. Mathieu Dussaubat (A&T), 7-5, 6-0
Order of finish: 4, 6, 3, 1, 2*


#1 Bernardi/Vo (CofC) d. Lopez/Coupu-Molson (A&T), 7-5
#2 Akbarov/Pedersen (A&T) d. Gaedechens/Red (CofC), 6-1
#3 Z. Larke/Brolin Dorsey (CofC) p. Dussaubat/Santos (A&T), 6-4
Order of finishing: 2, 3, 1*

#7 Drexel 4, #10 Hofstra 0

#1 Alan Jesudason (DU) d. Ostap Kovalenko (HU), 6-2, 2-6, 6-4
#2 Hussein El Tawil (DU) vs. Joshua Reynolds (HU) DNF, 3-6, 6-1, 4-2
#3 Alex De Sousa (DU) d. Matthew Garcia (HU), 7-5, 6-2
#4 Alessio Azalini (DU) vs. Hideki Matsuoka (HU) DNF, 6-3, 0-6, 2-3
#5 Egor Kirakosov (DU) d. Kaita Odani (HU), 3-6, 6-2, 6-3
#6 Josue Guzman (DU) vs. Maxim Michaels (HU) DNF, 7-6 (2), 3-6, 0-0
Order of finishing: 3, 5, 1*


#1 Jesudason/De Sousa (DU) d. Matsuoka/Vincent Turina (HU), 6-1
#2 Guzman/Kirakosov (DU) vs. Kovalenko/Jonathan Mahrt Guyou (HU) DNF, 1-5
#3 Peter Humayou/El Tawil (DU) d. Reynolds/Michaels (HU), 6-1
Order of finishing: 1, 3*

#6 Campbell, #11 Hampton

#1 Damien Nezar (CU) vs. Emiliano Jorquera (HU)
#2 Benjamin Maes (CU) vs. Daniel Flynn (HU)
#3 Lukas Steffen (CU) vs. Donte Armbrister (HU)
#4 Tomas Balazi (CU) vs. Shine Tokas (HU), 6-2, 6-4
#5 Paul Otin (CU) d. Aryan Arora (HU), 6-2, 6-4
#6 Luke Tollenaar (CU) d. Benjamin Mwanza (HU), 6-0, 6-0
Order of finish: 6, 5, 4*


#1 Maes/Steffen (CU) d. Jorquera/Armbrister (HU), 6-2
#2 Nezar/Balazi (CU) d. Tokas/March (HU), 6-1
#3 Flynn/Arora (HU) d. Matias Lofink/Otin (CU), 6-2
Order of finishing: 2, 3, 1*




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