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Youth talent show Table Tennis Provincial League opened

Youth talent show Table Tennis Provincial League opened


Chairman Prime Ministers Youth Program Rana Mashhood Ahmed Khan (C) talks to players during the opening ceremony of the Table Tennis Provincial League of Prime Ministers Youth Talent Hunt on April 19, 2024. APP
Chairman Prime Ministers Youth Program Rana Mashhood Ahmed Khan (C) talks to players during the opening ceremony of the Table Tennis Provincial League of Prime Ministers Youth Talent Hunt on April 19, 2024. APP

PESHAWAR: Special Assistant to Prime Minister and Chairman of Prime Minister Talent Hunt Youth Program Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan on Friday inaugurated the Youth Talent Hunt Table Tennis Provincial League.

The event kicked off under the auspices of Directorate of Sports Islamia College University Peshawar at the Lala Rafique Sports Arena. Islamia College University Peshawar Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Ali Muhammad, squash legend Qamar Zaman, Director of Operations Azizullah and Organizing Secretary Ali Hoti, officials of Commission for Higher Education Adnan Saeed, Muhammad Awais Mirza and others were present.

In the first phase, trials were held in all five regions, including Swat, Hazara, Mardan, Bannu and Peshawar, with five boys and an equal number of girls selected to participate in the Provincial League in the second phase, which starts here went.

Vice Chancellor Ali Muhammad welcomed the visiting dignitaries to the historic Islamia College. He said that such activities are very important for the physical and mental development of young people and that sports can reduce depression and increase the tendency towards positive activities.

He said Islamia College had given the country many stars in different sports. Currently, a number of international cricketers produced by the college represent Pakistan and other countries, such as fast bowlers Shaheen Shah Afridi, Usman Shinwari, star wicketkeeper-batsman Mohammad Rizwan and several players in the Afghanistan cricket team. Similarly, in hockey, table tennis and other games, Islamia College has given legends to the national teams.

Director Sports of ICU, Ali Hoti expressed gratitude to HEC for selecting Islamia College for the talent show. He expressed his gratitude to Rana Mashood and Javed Memon of HEC for showing their love for the players of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Speaking as the chief guest on the occasion, Rana Mashood said the PM Youth Program aimed to showcase the talents of the youth so that they can meet future challenges. He said the government was committed to providing equal opportunities to youth in sports competitions, regardless of their gender. discrimination so that they could make the country's name shine at national and international levels.

The talent show programme, he said, would provide the youth with a suitable platform to showcase their hidden talent in twelve men's and ten women's games. He said that sports have acquired the status of an industry in developed countries and this is the reason why they have done excellent work in the field of sports. Rana Mashood commended the players for their active participation in games, which leads to their physical and mental health.

Rana Mashood said table tennis is a sport that promotes mental and physical abilities. Games teach the lesson of competition and I believe that providing equal opportunities to youth across the country to participate in sporting events will lead to a healthy society, he added.

He said that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had initiated sports projects as well as a youth loan program along with the Prime Minister's laptop program and had given top priority to working for the welfare of the youth of Pakistan.

The Special Assistant said that the Talent Hunt Program under HEC would provide ample opportunities to the youth to come and showcase their hidden talent. He said that through this program, provincial and national competitions would be organized in which boys could participate in twelve different competitions while the girls would participate in ten different competitions.




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