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Observations during Iowa football practice | Football

Observations during Iowa football practice |  Football


IOWA CITY, Iowa –Saturday's cool temperatures at Kinnick Stadium are what you get in this state. Iowa Football's play on the field this time of year, much like the weather, lacks much consistency.

By the way, we are mainly talking about violation here. The defense rarely looks away.

The final analysis of Saturday's open training was always going to be incomplete. Too many goalkeepers had to leave training due to injury.

The group included No. 1 quarterback Cade McNamara, No. 1 running back Leshon Williams, two starting offensive linemen (Logan Jones, Gennings Dunker), starting receiver Seth Anderson and No. 2 tight end Addison Ostrenga on offense. The defense lined up without starting tackle Yahya Black, starting linebacker Kyler Fisher, starting cornerback Jermari Harris and several backups.

With that perspective in mind, it is customary to share observations from practice. We should probably start with a quarterback.

If healthy after recovering from an ACL repair in the fall, McNamara is QB1. Iowa is evaluating what lies behind it, which should be in clearer focus after 15 spring practices.

Saturday was one of those fifteen. In that regard, the quarterback play was uneven. The bad outweighed the good.

Marco Lainez looked better than Deacon Hill on the day. The redshirt freshman also ripped off at least one designed run and showed escapability.

Both guys can improve before the season starts. That's important to remember. Staff must calculate whether the likelihood of this happening is high enough to avoid seeking help if McNamara is unavailable.

Coach Kirk Ferentz was asked after Saturday's practice whether the Hawkeyes would bring in additions from the transfer portal. He said they are open to it if it helps the team.

The problem is that Iowa currently has several scholarships above the NCAA limit of 85. That could resolve itself with medical hardships and guys looking for another opportunity.

Last fall we saw again how important it is to have a capable quarterback. The Hawkeyes have invested in keeping one of the best defenses in the country together this season, so at quarterback they should step in when deemed necessary.

Kaleb Brown has continued his development at receiver after primarily playing running back in high school. He caught the ball and showed during this training that he could gain meters behind it.

Even with Ostrenga sidelined, Iowa produced tight ends Saturday. Luke Lachey looked like his pre-injury self, which is fantastic. Zach Ortwerth, Johnny Pascuzzi and Cael Vanderbush were involved in the attack.

Iowa is building back depth at cornerback even after losing Cooper DeJean, a likely first-round NFL Draft pick next week. Starter Jermari Harris is joined by Deshaun Lee, TJ Hall and John Nestor as potential starters.

New punter Rhys Dakin experienced the Iowa elements on Saturday as the wind whipped through Kinnick quite nicely. The first-year from Australia performed well and hit the ball high and far, which confirmed a big leg.

The running backs gained more yards on the outside than we have seen in recent years. The block came through and the ball carriers quickly cut to pieces. Kaleb Johnson and Kamari Moulton enjoyed the most success.

Reserve linebacker Karson Sharar stood out Saturday. The Iowa Falls native played fast and got to the ball often.

With Iowa a bit short on defensive tackles, Deontae Craig occasionally moved in next to Aaron Graves. Ethan Hurkett and Max Llewellyn lined up on the outside in these cases.

Kaden Wetjen should have a role on offense in '24, in addition to his big upside as a punter. The versatile senior from Williamsburg got the ball via handoff and through the air on Saturday.




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