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Silcock flies high towards the butterfly

Silcock flies high towards the butterfly


TEEN sensation Hannah Silcock has added another title to her ever-growing CV, with a dominant performance to be crowned Under-19 Girls Champion at the recent Butterfly Schools individual finals.

Still just 16 years old, the Islander now attends Kesteven & Grantham Secondary School in Lincolnshire in a bid to further her staggering progress in the sport.

Silcock entered the event under pressure from number one overall, but the Island Games double gold medalist rose to the occasion.

She topped her group with an impeccable record of five wins from five and the dominance continued deep into the knockout stages.

In the eighth finals and quarter finals, 3-0 victories followed over Luna Archard and Isabelle Lacourt.

The C-section was pushed a bit in the semi-finals by Mabel Schute, with narrow 11-9 and 12-10 wins in the second and third sets, but in the end Silcock reached the final without dropping a single set.

From 2-0 in the final she was reduced to 2-2 by Anna Green, but with the momentum against her Silcock rallied to resoundingly claim the decider 11-4.

There's always pressure when you're the top seed for a tournament, the teen said.

Obviously, there's a sense of expectation that comes with that label.

I started the day very well and started strong.

I felt like I was cruising through my matches, winning most of them comfortably 3-0.

The semi-final was also 3-0, but the sets were close and a few could have gone either way.

But then being one game away from winning the event without dropping a single set, and then suddenly going to a decider was nerve-wracking.

I remember thinking to myself that I couldn't bottle this up, but I refocused really well for that last set and to win that convincingly gives me a lot of confidence.

Following her latest success, Caesar has now been selected to play for England in the World Senior Secondary Schools competition in Bahrain in October 2024.

With her home base now on the mainland, Silcock is ineligible to represent Jersey at the British Secondary Schools event.

English secondary schools have a provision that a player can represent England in one tournament per year, so the Islander has been put forward for Bahrain rather than the British Schools competition in the Isle of Man.

“I'm really proud and excited,” Silcock added.

It will be my first time playing for England in this competition, so it has definitely added some motivation and desire to train harder.

The level of competition will be incredibly tough.

China is usually pretty dominant, but I'm just excited to get there and see how it goes.

Being able to see how I perform and compare to the best players from around the world will be very valuable and a good opportunity to see where I currently stand standardly.




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