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Seven players with impact potential

Seven players with impact potential


When it comes to spring football training, coach PJ Fleck kept the 2024 version of the Gophers on the back burner. There was no spring competition and only two practices were open to fans, one of which was only for members of the Dinkytown Athletes collective.

However, that low profile doesn't mean the spring exercise was without intrigue. With the Gophers coming off a 6-7 season, Fleck and his staff had plenty to discuss and did so during drills ending April 24 and by leaning into the transfer portal for what they hope will be immediate upgrades for a Big Ten with 18 teams. this fall.

From their starting quarterback to key defensive pieces to a huge blocker up front, here are seven transfers that could make a significant impact in 2024:

Max Brosmer, quarterback

Frankly, Minnesota's play at quarterback wasn't nearly good enough in 2023. The Gophers ranked 126th nationally in passing offense (143.4 yards per game) while starting Athan Kaliakmanis, who has since transferred to Rutgers. Fleck brought in New Hampshire transfer Brosmer, a productive QB who has racked up 8,713 yards and 70 touchdowns in 36 career games. A finalist for the Walter Payton Award for the top player at the FCS level, Brosmer quickly impressed the coaching staff and his teammates with his leadership and work ethic.

During spring practices open to the media, Brosmer showed a lively and accurate arm, though he wasn't perfect, as he tackled coordinator Greg Harbaugh Jr.'s offense. heard. Fleck's goal was to challenge his new quarterback by adding more to his plate throughout the spring.

“He's making himself better,” Fleck said. “He is closing the gap. Things he didn't do well yesterday, he does better today.”

See Bangura and Marcus Major, running backs

Darius Taylor, who averaged 27.4 carries and 159.2 yards in five games as a starting running back as a true freshman in 2023, remains the Gophers' featured running back. History shows that it is wise to have several options in the backfield, and Fleck has mined the portal for depth in Bangura and Major.

Bangura, 6-0 and 200 pounds, rushed for nearly 2,000 yards and 22 TDs over three seasons at Ohio University and showed his versatility with 50 receptions. Major, 6-0 and 225, is a former four-star prospect at Oklahoma who rushed for 883 yards and eight touchdowns in his career. He was limited in spring training.

“Size and speed, their experience with success at the Division I level,” running backs coach Nic McKissic-Luke said of what impressed him about Bangura and Major. “They are also really good players and good kids.”

Tyler Williams, wide receiver

The wide receiver was a work in progress during spring training, with leading pass catcher Daniel Jackson getting limited snaps. On April 23, Fleck landed an intriguing prospect from the portal in Williams, who transferred from Georgia to Minnesota. At 6-3 and 205, Williams is a four-star recruit from Lakeland, Florida, who had one reception in limited time with the Bulldogs last year.

Aluma Nkele, offensive tackle

The Gophers moved Quinn Carroll from right tackle to right guard in spring training, and they want to keep him there. To do this, they will need continued development from Phillip Daniels and Martes Lewis, who are candidates to take over at right tackle. Fleck added another on April 27, when Nkele, a 6-6 355-pounder, transferred to Minnesota from Texas-El Paso. Nkele started five games and played in 10 for the Miners last season.

Jaxon Howard, edge rusher

The Gophers got a jolt of energy from the portal on April 19, when former Robbinsdale Cooper star Howard announced he was transferring from LSU to Minnesota. Howard, the top-ranked prep recruit in Minnesota in the class of 2023, joins a group of pass rushers that includes stalwarts Jah Joyner and Danny Striggow, plus budding star Anthony Smith.

Ethan Robinson, cornerback

Robinson, a transfer from Bucknell, stood out in spring training and brings the stability of a three-year starter. The 6-0, 180-pounder had five interceptions and 25 pass breakups for the Bison. “Ethan is a bona fide playmaker,” Gophers cornerbacks coach Nick Monroe said. “He could grasp everything immediately.”




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