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Panyan repeats as League Scholar-Athlete of the Year for men's tennis

Panyan repeats as League Scholar-Athlete of the Year for men's tennis


BETHLEHEM, Pa. – Navy men's tennis player Sasha Panyan has been selected as the sport's 2024 Patriot League Scholar-Athlete of the Year for the second year in a row. The announcement of Panyan's award and all-academic team was made today by the competition office.

Nominees for the award and associated all-academic team had to be a starter or key reserve on their team, be at least a second-year academic, and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.20.

Panyan, who captained the Mids this season, graduated with a cumulative GPA of 3.65 as a cyber operations major. He will graduate May 24 and later report to flight school to begin training to become a Navy pilot.

On the tennis court, Panyan earned first-team all-league honors this season after compiling a combined singles and doubles record of 37-24 overall and 28-15 during the doubles match season. He went 14-10 at No. 1 singles and 14-5 at No. 1 doubles this spring.

He ranks eighth in Navy history with 59 career dual victories and is 11th with 109 career combined victories. Panyan is also tied for eighth with 74 career doubles wins, 14th with 67 career singles wins overall, and ninth with 141 career combined wins.

Panyan is a three-time second-team all-league in 2022, first-team in 2023 and '24 and has been on the Patriot League Doubles Team of the Year in each of his four seasons. He and Lucas Garner earned the nod both last year and this season.

He is one of only three players in league history to win all five Patriot League major individual awards: Rookie of the Year, 2021; player of the year, 2023; tournament MVP, 2023; doubles team of the year, 2021, '22, '23, '24; and Scholar-Athlete of the Year, 2023, '24.

Panyan is the fourth Navy men's tennis player and the ninth in the sport in league history to receive scholar-athlete honors in multiple years.

He is also the eighth Mid to be named scholar-athlete of the year for the sport. The total of twelve awards won by these players puts the team in a tie for fifth place for most in one sport in the history of the competition (the record of 15 is held by the women's swimming and diving team of the Navy).

Additionally, this marks the eighth straight season in which a Navy men's tennis player has earned the award, breaking the record for the number of consecutive awards won by a program in the history of the league. Members of the Navy men's swimming and diving team received the award seven straight seasons, from 2017-23.

Patriot League Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Sasha PanyanMarine, Sr.

Academic All-Patriot League team

Ben Letzer, Boston University, Sr.
Amar Tahirovic, Bucknell, So.
Josh Israel, Colgate, Jr.
Matt Cardano, Loyola Maryland, Sr.
Oliver Davey, Loyola Maryland, Sr.
Sasha PanyanMarine, Sr.




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