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Harvard and Princeton Garner win on the opening day of the Ivy League Softball Tournament

Harvard and Princeton Garner win on the opening day of the Ivy League Softball Tournament


PRINCETON, NJ. Harvard and Princeton posted victories Wednesday on the first day of the 2024 Ivy League Softball Tournament, which was changed due to inclement weather in the weekly weather forecast.

GAME 1: NO. 2 HARVARD 12, NO. 3 YALE 4 (9 inns)

Third-seeded Harvard needed extra innings before exploding for eight runs in the ninth inning, securing a 12-4 victory over No. 2 Yale in the first game of the tournament.

Harvard opened the score in the top of the first inning with an RBI single from Madi Mays and a sacrifice flies away Finley Payne. Yale fought back to make it 2-2 in the third stanza. A fielder's choice allowed a pair of unearned runs to cross home plate for the home team.

Lauren Perren's two-out single through the right side of the infield Katie Donahey in the fourth inning for the Bulldogs. Donahey's two-out down the left field line batted in Willa Ferrer in the fifth for a 4-2 lead.

The Crimson tied the game in the seventh inning with a pair of runs, forcing extra innings Lael Ayala hit a two-run home run with one away.

Neither team could score in the eighth and Harvard scored eight runs in the ninth, securing the victory. Lauren Bobowskis single drove in Katie Arrambide for what turned out to be the winning run.

For the victors, Ayala scored four goals and drove in four runs. Meis and Sophie Sun each knocked in two, while Ayala, Bobowski and Sun each took home two.

Anna Reed worked eight innings and secured the victory. She gave up four runs, but only one was earned, on six hits. Reed struck out six in the win. Riley Flynn worked the ninth inning to end the game.

In the loss, Donahey, Libby Peoples and Carolyn Skötz recorded two hits each.Emma Taylor threw 7.1 innings and struck out a pair in the game.


Top-seeded Princeton secured a 4-0 win over Dartmouth in the nightcap. In the bottom of the second inning, Lauren Sablon walked with the bases loaded for the winning run. A base on balls Julia Dumais made the score 2-0.

The score remained the same until the fifth stanza. Dumais was hit by a pitch and with two outs, Karis Ford launched a two-run shot over the left field wall for the final count.

Meghan Harrington went the distance and recorded a three-hit shutout in just 76 pitches. Harrington struck out three in the win.

On the plate, Grace Jackson led the victors with two goals. Dumais, Ford and Sablone each had one RBI. Sablone also walked three.

Harvard will play its first game against Princeton tomorrow (10 a.m.), while Yale and Dartmouth will play the second game of the day in the double-elimination tournament (12:30 p.m.).




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