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Stars in every field who love table tennis, former table tennis legends and the superheroes of today's medal winners.

Stars in every field who love table tennis, former table tennis legends and the superheroes of today's medal winners.


“Ping-pong stars.” Photo | MBC Everyone

Stars from every field who love table tennis, former table tennis legends and current mentors of medalists will participate.

MBC Everyone Entertainment Program, premiering on the 26th at 11:30 PM, Smashing Without hesitation! Ping-Pong Stars tells the story of idol representatives god Denian, highlight Son Dong-woon and iKON Dong-hyuk who grew up with six coaches, including table tennis empress Hyun Jung-hwa, the first Olympic gold medalist Yoo Nam-kyu, Asian tiger Kim Taek- soo, the eldest sister of the women's table tennis team Seo Hyo-won, the poisonous snake Jung Young-sik on the court, and table tennis idol Park Kang-hyun.

God Denian, who boasts of being a big fan of Yoo Nam-gyu, was named Bangi-dong An Nam-gyu because of his excellent table tennis skills during his school days. After hearing the news about the creation of Ping Pong Stars, where you can learn table tennis by working with legendary table tennis coaches, he rushed to join. On this day, Denian was delighted by the appearance of legendary director Yoo Nam-kyu, and he was the first to run, warming up those who were watching with cheers like a child.

Danny Ahn also always wanted coach Yoo Nam-gyu to recruit him as a team member. You can see in the actual broadcast what choice coach Yoo Nam-kyu has made and whether Danny Ahn will become a successful fan.

Meanwhile, icon Dong-hyuk, who went viral as a hidden player in the idol world, was admired by the legendary six coaches for his table tennis skills.

Seo Hyo-won, a member of the national team, put him to the test in sparring himself, and the strong lower body strength, an important element of table tennis, was fundamental, and praise for his great skills was not dry. In response, the six-member coaches unanimously expressed their desire to recruit him to their team. Pingpong Stars' most powerful player, Dong-hyuk, will be recruited into which team of coaches in 100 days and also the No. 1 player in the “Korea Table Tennis Association Cup Championship”.

Highlights Son Dong-woon, who belatedly fell in love with table tennis, revealed his intention to practice day and night with a table tennis table in his company's office to participate in 'Ping Pong Stars'. He has been practicing day and night after making this decision to supplement his skills for less than a year. The coaches who checked Son Dong-woon's table tennis skills were said to have been surprised by his solid basic skills compared to his relatively short career. Attention is paid to the growth period of Son Dong-woon.

Meanwhile, at the inauguration ceremony of Pingpong Stars on November 26, six legendary coaches, including Hyun Jung-hwa, Yoo Nam-gyu, Kim Taek-soo, Seo Hyo-won, Jung Young-sik and Park Kyung-hyun, will organize a competition of the century to be the first to get ahead of talented players.

The six legendary coaches who have made every effort to develop their players and achieve results at the “Korea Table Tennis Association Presidential Cup Championship” will have a unique competition for the player's priority nomination rights.

The first game is table tennis! There were amazing competitive events that only the legendary medalists who reached the “God Level” could challenge, such as blowing out candles with ping-pong balls, putting on and hitting paper cups on their heads, hitting them with toothpicks, and flying little magic caps. at the corners of the court. Hyun Jung-hwa, the all-time Legend coach, was also very nervous in the high-level game, and all the players in the field watched breathlessly and cheered. You can see which coach got the highest score on the show.

In the second game, Asian tiger Kim Taek-soo, Olympic first gold medalist Yoo Nam-gyu and incumbent national team Park Kang-hyun were also nervous in a difficult match in which they only managed to break a small snack with a limited number of players. times: “Let's eat a table tennis ball!” Coach Yoo Nam-kyu even said, “I was more nervous than the Olympics,” in the big match, which continues to turn the tables depending on the score.

The recording studio was overheated in heat that was hot enough to surpass the Olympics, and everyone watched with sweaty hands.

Moreover, Yoo Seung Min, former president of the Korea Table Tennis Association, who participated in the day's special commentary and watched it, said, “Watching it makes me feel like I'm going to win.” Rumor has it that he stuck out his tongue and said, “It's not easy when I think about it.” What will be the outcome of Yoo Seung Min's challenge?

Who will be the winner of the unique game that the coaches are proud of, and who will be the last coach to recruit the player he wants into the team and develop him into the No. 1 player in the “Korea Table Tennis Association Cup”? Championship” airs on November 26 at 11:30 PM, MBC Everyone Smashes Without Hesitation! You can see it in the first episode of Pingpong Stars.

[Soyeon Kim Star Today Reporter]




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