The best high school Thanksgiving rivalries in South Jersey
Thanksgiving football used to be one of the most important dates on the high school sports calendar.
However, times have changed and now only eight football games are played in South Jersey during the holiday.
Here's a look at some of the best rivalries (past and present) from Thanksgiving football:
10. Paulsboro/West Deptford. A wrestling mat isn't the only place where these two schools are bitter rivals. The two teams began their football series in 1981 and Paulsboro won the first 18 meetings. They played for the last time over the holidays in 2017, but started playing in the opener three of the next four seasons.
9. Lower Cape May/Middle Township. One of the best names for a rivalry in South Jersey history, The Anchor Bowl has featured these two programs since the first game in 1922. The last meeting on Thanksgiving took place in 2021 and, after a year-long hiatus last fall, the teams their rivalry in September of this season.
8. Bishop Eustace/Pennsauken. My first taste of Thanksgiving football in high school was served with this rivalry. My father, a 1964 Pennsauken alum, took me to a lot of Pennsauken games in the late 1970s to watch Vince McAneney's teams (McAneney was still the coach when I started covering games for the Courier-Post) .
7. Riverside/Florence. These two teams were one of the longest Thanksgiving rivalries in Burlington County history, playing on the holiday every season from 1955 to 2023 (with the exception of the pandemic-shortened 2020 season). While this rivalry began in 1942, the two teams had several Turkey Day opponents; Riverside played Palmyra and Florence faced Harrison in their first ever holiday game.
6. Triton/Highland. Talk about a backyard brawl. These two Black Horse Pike School District rivals were Thanksgiving Day foes from 1971-2001 and again from 2016-2020. It wasn't always the best football, but as a Triton alum, a win over Highland always made Thanksgiving dinner taste even better.
5. Rancocas Valley/Moorestown. The old timers will tell you this rivalry was the best. These Burlington County foes met for 69 years, many with George Masters of Moorestown versus Bill Gordon of Rancocas Valley. The final matchup on Turkey Day went to Moorestown, which won 36-20 in 1981.
4. Salem/Woodstown. How big was this rivalry? They played twice a year in 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1915. As the rivalry continued, the two teams stopped playing on Turkey Day after the 2021 meeting.
3. Palmyra/Burlington City. This series started in 1909 when Palmyra recorded a 34-0 victory in the opening meeting. It remains the longest rivalry in Burlington County history. While the teams continue to play each other, they haven't played on Thanksgiving since 2021.
2. Shawnee/Lenape. Although this rivalry didn't get off to a flying start (the two teams played to a 0-0 tie in 1971), the two programs always put on a great showing when bragging rights were on the line for Medford. They played for the last time on Thanksgiving in 2021, with Shawnee earning a 35-21 victory.
1. Cherry Hill East/Cherry Hill West. The Battle of The Boot used to be a party treat since the rivalry started in 1969. Although they are no longer played on the holiday (or Thanksgiving Eve), Cherry Hill's rivals still play every season, even playing on Halloween in 2020.
Others: Woodbury/Gateway; Kingsway/Clearview; St. Joseph/Hammonton; Collingswood/Sterling; Holy Cross/Moorestown; Ocean City/Pleasantville; Penns Grove/Pennsville; Gloucester/Delsea.
8. Paul VI/Camden Catholic. It's a battle for bragging rights on Cuthbert Blvd when these two parochial schools compete. They have met every season since 1968. Camden Catholic has a 32-24-1 lead in the series.
7. Audubon/Haddon Township. Tom Curley had a successful tenure as head coach at both schools. Now the teams competed for the trophy named after Curley. The Green Wave has a 43-17-1 lead in the series.
6. Gloucester/Gloucester Catholic. The two Holy City-based schools began their rivalry in 1948, but took a break from 1966-1992 when both were in different conferences. The two teams have played to a record of 24-24-1 in the series
5. Pitman/Clayton. Thanksgiving football in Gloucester County began in 1925 when these two rivals wrestled each other. Pitman owns a 62-32-4 advantage over Clayton in the state's 10th longest rivalry.
4. Atlantic City/Holy Spirit. These two foes from Atlantic County, the jewel of coastal Thanksgiving Day football, first met in 1926. Atlantic City has a 52-39-4 lead in the series.
3. Haddonfield/Haddon Heights. The battle for Kings Highway was first fought in 1902 between these two Camden County enemies. The rivalry game was not played in 1915, 1917 or 1918 during World War I, nor in 1920 and 1921. The Mayors Trophy goes to the winner. Haddonfield leads the series with a 65-43-6 record.
2. Camden/Eastside. Although this series began in the midst of the Great Depression, these two crosstown rivals have provided Camden fans with many rich memories. The first match was played in 1933 and has been contested every year except 2020 when the match was canceled due to the Covid pandemic. Camden has a 58-35-3 lead in the series.
- Millville/Vineland. When a rivalry predates the 20th centurye century, you know it's something special. These two schools first met on the football field in 1893, making it the longest running series in state history. This rivalry also makes the Hatfields & McCoys seem like friendly neighbors. The new Tony Surace/John Pierantozzi Victory Cup honors two of the legendary coaches in the history of this rivalry. Vineland has a 67-66-19 lead in the series.
Tom McGurk is a regional sports editor for the Courier-Post, The Daily Journal and Burlington County Times, where he has covered South Jersey sports for more than 35 years. If you have a sports story that needs to be told, please contact him by email[email protected]. Follow him on Twitter at @McGurkSports. Support local journalism with a digital subscription.
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