Iga Witek police are given a one-month tennis ban for a doping violation and are back in time for the Australian Open
Five-time Grand Slam champion Iga Witek has accepted a one-month ban after testing positive for a banned substance, but she can play at the Australian Open in January.
The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) announced that Witek tested positive for trimetazidine, a heart drug known as TMZ, during an out-of-competition drug test in August.
The ITIA accepted her explanation that the result was unintended and caused by the contamination of a non-prescription drug, melatonin, which Witek was taking for jet lag and sleep problems.
According to the ITIA, her level of fault was found to be “at the lower end of the range, without significant fault or negligence”.
World number two Witek said in a video she posted on social media that this was “the worst experience of my life”.
“This whole thing will definitely stay with me for the rest of my life,” said the 23-year-old, speaking Polish with English subtitles.
“It took a lot of effort to get back into training after the situation almost broke my heart, so there were a lot of tears and a lot of sleepless nights.
“The worst part was the uncertainty. I didn't know what was going to happen with my career, how it would end and whether I would even be allowed to play tennis.”
The Women's Tennis Association (WTA) said it “fully supports” Witek.
“Iga has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to fair play and upholding the principles of clean sport, and this unfortunate incident highlights the challenges athletes face when dealing with the use of medications and supplements,” the women's tour said in a statement. a statement.
“The WTA remains steadfast in our support for clean sport and the rigorous processes that protect the integrity of the competition. We also emphasize that athletes must take every precaution to verify the safety and compliance of all products they use, as even unintentional exposure to banned substances can have significant consequences.”
Witek formally admitted to the anti-doping rule violation this week and accepted her punishment.
TMZ is the drug at the center of the case that continued to involve 23 Chinese swimmers despite testing positive for performance enhancers in 2021.
Witek said she was “shocked” by her test result and had never heard of TMZ.
She said she has been taking melatonin “for a long time”, adding that she couldn't sleep without it due to “all my travel, jet lag and work-related stress”.
She was already provisionally suspended from September 12 to October 4 for missing three tournaments during the hard-court swing after the US Open in Asia, but that provisional ban was ended after her appeal showed her test result inadvertently resulted from contaminated melatonin.
As the final agreement was a one-month suspension, she will now serve the remaining eight days while there is no competition and can return to play from December 4, well in time for the start of the 2025 season in Australia. later in the month.
“I can start my new season with a clean slate, focused on what I have always done, simply playing tennis,” said Witek, who hired Wim Fissette as her coach in October.
Witek was also fined $158,944 that she earned for her semifinal match at the Cincinnati Open in August, the event immediately following the positive test.
This is the second recent high-profile doping case in tennis, after men's world number one Jannik Sinner failed two tests for a steroid in March and was cleared in August, just before the start of the US Open.
Sinner won the New York Slam and did not miss a single match, although the World Anti-Doping Agency has appealed the ruling that acquitted him.
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