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NVIDIA and Google Cloud Create Industry’s First AI-on-5G

NVIDIA and Google Cloud Create Industry’s First AI-on-5G



Barcelona, ​​Spain (GLOBE NEWSWIRE), June 28, 2021-Mobile World Congress NVIDIA today partnered with Google Cloud to set up the industry’s first AI-on-5G Innovation Lab, a network infrastructure player and AI software partner. Announced that it will be available for development. Test and adopt solutions that help accelerate the creation of smart cities, smart factories, and other advanced 5G and AI applications.

The lab will provide enterprises with access to the Google Clouds Anthos platform and NVIDIA Accelerated Computing hardware and software platforms, leveraging data and AI to improve business performance, operational efficiency, and safety. Optimize reliability. Both companies will start development in the second half of the year.

Ronnie Vashista, Senior Vice President of Telecom at NVIDIA, said 5G speed and low latency created an unprecedented opportunity to deliver AI-on-5G at the enterprise edge, transforming the global telecommunications industry. I have achieved it. Collaboration with Google Cloud helps network operators and infrastructure players devise and create new profit centers built on AI and machine learning.

The growing AI-on-5G Ecosystem NVIDIA announced in April that it will work with Google Cloud, Fujitsu, Mavenir, Radisys and Wind River to develop a solution for the NVIDIA AI-on-5G platform. Google Cloud extends the Anthos application platform to the edge of the network, enabling telecommunications service providers and businesses to quickly deliver new services and applications at the 5G edge.

Shailesh Shukla, vice president and general manager of networking for Google Cloud, will be able to seamlessly connect many vertical market service providers and businesses over 5G at the network edge with Google Cloud with the Anthos application platform. .. We are pleased to extend our collaboration with NVIDIA to provide a collaborative innovation lab that provides the infrastructure needed for enterprises, telecommunications service providers, and partners to develop, test, and deploy edge AI applications.

Anthos provides a consistent platform for application deployment with a service-centric view of each environment. This platform enables customers to build and deploy enterprise-grade containerized applications faster with managed Kubernetes at the cloud, on-premises, and network edges.

Anthos supports NVIDIA GPU-accelerated servers to reduce costly overhead and increase developer productivity while delivering a consistent deployment and operational experience throughout the deployment. The platform also protects the application and software supply chain and provides a results-oriented approach to managing application policies across the environment, a key feature for network operators and businesses delivering AI in 5G. I will.

NVIDIA Hardware and Software Development NVIDIA AI-on-5G provides enterprises, mobile network operators, and cloud service providers with a single integrated platform for handling both 5G and edge AI computing. The platform uses the NVIDIA Aerial Software Development Kit and the NVIDIA BlueField-2 A100, and uses a converged card that combines a GPU, DPU, and NVIDIA 5T for 5G solution. This allows you to create high-performance 5G RAN and AI applications to manage precision manufacturing robots, automated guided vehicles, drones, wireless cameras, self-checkout walkways and hundreds of other transformation projects.

The NVIDIA Aerial SDK, combined with the AI ​​framework NVIDIA Metropolis for smart cities, NVIDIA Isaac for autonomous machines, and NVIDIA Clara for healthcare, is an integral part of the AI-on-5G ecosystem and is single. Can be deployed to NVIDIA certification. system.

In today’s related news, NVIDIA announced that the next-generation Aerial A100 AI-on-5G computing platform will incorporate 16 Arm-based CPU cores into the NVIDIA BlueField-3A100. This enables a self-contained converged card that delivers enterprise edge AI applications via cloud-native 5G vRAN, improving performance per watt and reducing time to deployment.

These solutions are available for testing and validation in AI-on-5G labs.

From the edge to the Cloud Software-defined RAN, NVIDIA AI-on-5G data centers are critical to building a modern 5G infrastructure that can run a variety of applications on a common platform. NVIDIA Aerial enables the best possible utilization by providing resilience when network traffic changes throughout the day and the flexibility to serve based on dynamic customer needs.

The NVIDIA EGX platform, offered by OEMs through NVIDIA certified systems, brings AI computing capabilities to the edge where data is created. By expanding the platform, server manufacturers can also combine NVIDIA GPUs and DPUs to build hyper-converged edge data centers.

About NVIDIA NVIDIAs (NASDAQ: NVDA) The invention of the GPU in 1999 has fueled the growth of the PC gaming market and redefined the latest in computer graphics, high performance computing and artificial intelligence. Companies doing pioneering work in accelerated computing and AI are rebuilding $ 1 trillion in industries such as transportation, healthcare and manufacturing, and driving the growth of many other industries. For more information, please visit

For more information, please contact: Cliff Edwards NVIDIA Corporation +

Specific statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, the following: Benefits, impacts, performance, features, and availability of our products and services. NVIDIA has partnered with Google Cloud to set up the industry’s first AI-on-5G Innovation Lab. Benefits, impacts, performance, features, and availability of our products and services. Benefits, impacts, features and timing of AI-on-5G Innovation Lab development. NVIDIA is working with Google Cloud, Fujitsu, Mavenir, Radisys and Wind River to develop solutions for the NVIDIA AI-on-5G platform. Google Cloud extends the Anthos application platform to the edge of the network. Available for laboratory testing and validation, NVIDIA solutions describe future prospects affected by risks and uncertainties that can result in significantly different results than expected. Important factors that can cause significant differences in actual results include: Relying on third parties to manufacture, assemble, pack and test our products. Impact of technological development and competition. Develop new products and technologies, or enhance existing products and technologies. Market acceptance of our products or our partners’ products. Design, manufacturing, or software defects. Changes in consumer preferences and demands. Industry standards and interface changes. Unexpected performance degradation of our products or technologies when integrated into the system. In addition, other factors that NVIDIA submits to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in detail from time to time include Form 10-K’s annual report and Form 10-Q’s quarterly report. However, it is not limited to these. .. A copy of the report submitted to the SEC is posted on the company’s website and is available free of charge from NVIDIA. These forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and are stated only as of the date of this document, and unless required by law, NVIDIA will provide information on future events and circumstances. We undertake no obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect this.

2021 NVIDIA Corporation. all rights reserved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, BlueField, CUDA, NVIDIA Aerial, NVIDIA Certified-Systems, NVIDIA Clara, NVIDIA EGX, and NVIDIA Isaac are trademarks and / or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation and / or Mellanox Technologies in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. Features, prices, availability and specifications are subject to change without notice. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective companies.

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