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TechAccel Expands to St. Louis with New Facility in Premier Ag Innovation Ecosystem


Kansas City-based technology and equity companies are investing in scientific advances to produce healthier plants, animals and food, leveraging the abundant lab space on the other side of the I-70. And announced a new office on Monday in St. Louis.

Tina Youngblood, Chief Financial Officer and Managing Officer of TechAccel, describes the Bio Research Development & Growth (BRDG) facility and brings our team to the center of the country where plant science researchers and ag-biotech innovators are most concentrated. He said it was suitable for placement in the department. ) A park on the campus of the Donald Dunnforce Botanical Science Center. A great place for creative collaboration and innovation.

TechAccel opened its first office in eastern Missouri in 2017, splitting its employees almost evenly between Kansas City and St. Louis.

TechAccel was founded in 2014 as the first technology and venture development company in the fields of agriculture and animal health. TechAccel procures, invests and acquires early stage innovation.

Through collaboration with universities and research institutes, TechAccel conducts research and development of technological progress and risk mitigation for commercialization.

Click here for more information on TechAccels’ leading teams, boards and investors.

The new space provides TechAccels’ growing science team with operational space, including space for its subsidiary RNAissance Ag LLC. RNAissance Ag, which acquired St. Louis-based startup RNAgri last year, is leveraging its own inexpensive RNA production platform by developing RNAi applications in biopesticide, animal health and aquaculture.

The BRDG Park site has 2,000 square feet of lab space, including facilities such as corporate fermenters, manufacturing facilities, and offices.

TechAccel and RNAissanceAg’s science team also have access to biotechnology labs and equipment resources at St. Louis Community College in BRDG, as well as world-class plant growth facilities and other technical resources at the adjacent Donald Danforth Plant Science Center.

Brad Fabbri, Chief Science Officer at TechAccel, said the location of the BRDG Park is ideal for a growing team of scientists. This gives us room for growth and is excited about the opportunity to work with other biotechnology innovators as part of the vibrant 39 North Agriculture Biotech Innovation District.

TechAccel is Benson Hill and Plastics Inc. The company says it has established equity ties with 39 North companies, including, and is working with other ag biotechnology startups in the ecosystem. RNAissance Ag is a unique insecticidal and environmentally friendly RNAi technology developed at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center that is promised to be effective against pests previously thought to be resistant to RNAi. Holds an exclusive license.

RNAissance Ag is just a great example of what we are trying to achieve. Stephanie Legagnon, executive director of the Danforce Center’s Innovation Partnership, said the center’s basic research will be collaborated with collaborators such as TechAccel to create sustainable agricultural solutions. This will strengthen the entire 39N ecosystem.

TechAccel currently employs researchers, senior RNAi biologists, and senior entomologists.

The company already has strong ties to St. Louis’ agroecosystem. The team was previously housed in the Danforce Center, but the two entities have a strategic relationship through the TechAccels Path to Commercialization Grant Program. The program aims to fund research such as RNAi platform technology and commercialize agricultural innovation from the lab to the market.

In addition to its collaboration program with Danforce Center, the company has invested in other agtech companies, supporting Ag Innovation Showcase and Invest Midwest, among other regional programs.

This story is thanks to the support of the Ewing Marion Kaufman Foundation, a private, nonpartisan foundation that works with the education and entrepreneurial community to create unusual solutions and empower people to shape and succeed in the future. Is possible.

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