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It’s time to go back online

It’s time to go back online


Fortnite is down after a big end-of-season live event.

Screenshot: Eric Kane

Fortnite went offline following a slightly overlong Epicifle live event that saw the destruction of the Chapter 3 map and the splicing of the new Chapter 4 map, courtesy of Paradigm.

The event itself was pretty cool. Basically, you’re in space with several small floating islands floating around Zero Point, the giant glowing orb in the picture above.

fractured a bone

Screenshot: Eric Kane

The goal here was to collect energy orbs to power the Zero Point so that Paradigm could use it to power map building. To do this, you had to find orbs around the map and complete mini-games and challenges such as:

Match props around a flamingo-like floating island. Watch flashbacks of previous live events, such as rockets and mech-versus-monster battles.Perform his NPC quests, such as building a snowman and throwing chickens into Zero Point.

As Paradigm has roped in more and more islands, new areas have become available to explore and more places to find orbs.

Fracture event flashback

Screenshot: Eric Kane

I think we were down to 44 points by the end of the event. I recorded everything but the video footage is corrupted or I will share it here. I’m actually pretty annoyed about this!

Commander Kadru’s giant metal head.

Screenshot: Eric Kane

As the final cinematic screened, we got a glimpse of some familiar faces in the same skins we wrote about the leaks before the event. Talk.

Chapter 4 Maps

Screenshot: Eric Kane

The new map looks pretty good! I haven’t played much lately, and haven’t played much Chapter 3 last year, so I’m looking forward to coming back. Maybe this can breathe new life into the game.

Hunting for props and such was fun, but it might have been more fun if there was a large-scale cooperative battle with Herald at the beginning, in addition to the movie. I was still having fun.

The event ended with the following cinematic.

When will Fortnite return online?

We don’t have an exact date at this time, but according to Xbox’s in-game message, Chapter 4 will begin on December 4th. This means that the earliest server may come back online is midnight ET / 9:00 PM PT. I think the servers are likely to be up in the middle of the night. So when I wake up tomorrow morning and download the new update, the server is up and running.

Epic Games rarely announces exact times when servers will be back online. It also made players wait days between seasons in the past. That doesn’t seem to be the case here. I will update this post when I get a more stable time. If for some reason the game doesn’t come back online tomorrow, I’ll update this post. That’s it.

Live event end screen.

Screenshot: Eric Kane

Now I can’t even log into Fortnite and it seems I’ve been logged out of the Epic Game Store on PC just playing the game! Very strange. Anyway, more to come. . .

stay tuned!




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