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OpenAI’s ChatGPT App Surpasses 500,000 Downloads in Just 6 Days

OpenAI’s ChatGPT App Surpasses 500,000 Downloads in Just 6 Days


OpenAI’s ChatGPT app is off to a great start despite being only available in the US and iOS before expanding to 11 more global markets today. The app has already surpassed 500,000 downloads in its first six days, according to new analysis from app intelligence provider It ranks as one of the best performing new apps released both this year and last year, only Trump-backed Twitter clone “Truth Social” coming out in February 2022. became the top.

As consumer demand for AI chatbots has grown, other third-party apps have appeared on the App Store calling themselves “ChatGPT” or “AI chatbots.” Many of these were fleeceware in nature, trying to trick consumers into paying expensive subscriptions to access AI, but still spending millions of dollars on a group of top apps combined. have been able to attract consumer spending. This competitive landscape among AI chatbot apps could have created a tougher market for the official ChatGPT app to gain traction. But as it turns out, it wasn’t.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT app outperformed most of its rivals, including other popular AI and chatbot apps, as well as Microsoft’s Bing and Edge apps, which provided the first significant third-party integration of OpenAI’s GPT-4 technology. rice field.

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Bing and Microsoft Edge certainly benefited from the interest in ChatGPT when it debuted, with 340,000 and 335,000 downloads on iOS and Android respectively in the best five days of February, with OpenAI’s ChatGPT app surpassing those. and generated 480,000 installs in the first period. Five days after its US release, the app was exclusive to his iOS.

Comparing just the iOS downloads of Bing and Edge, ChatGPT had 480,000 installs, even higher than Bing’s 250,000 and Edge’s 195,000.

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However, Bing and Edge still outperformed ChatGPT when looking at downloads across both US app stores in May, but not when comparing only iOS installs in the same month. This indicates that ChatGPT may soon get ahead of these search-focused alternatives.

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Image credit:’s analysis also found that the app performed better than other top US AI chatbot apps. Many were given generic names to leverage consumer keyword searches on the App Store, such as “AI” and “chatbot.” Here, we find that OpenAI’s ChatGPT is in the top 5 by downloads across the App Store and Google Play compared to his 5-day best period for other apps in 2023. .

The only app to surpass this was Chat with Ask AI, which recorded 590,000 installs from April 48, 2023, while ChatGPT recorded 480,000 installs from May 1822. the data show.

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Only a week after being available, ChatGPT is already ranked among the top 5 AI chatbot apps by downloads in the US in May 2023. We compared ChatGPT with other top chatbot apps when the number of surged. It’s May (until May 23rd), so technically it’s been less than a week since ChatGPT launched.

By that time, the app had reached 550,000 downloads, tying it with Genie AI Chatbot, the next closest AI chatbot app for May downloads on the US App Store. However, several other services outperformed such as ChatOn – AI Chat Bot Assistant (610,000 installs), AI Chatbot Nova (680,000 installs), and Chat with Ask AI (1.4 million installs). Still, given how quickly ChatGPT managed to surpass 500,000 installs, it could beat these rivals in the near future.

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Additionally, ChatGPT will release one of the best new apps this year and will be discovered by in 2022.

In the first five days after ChatGPT’s launch on iOS for download in the US, ChatGPT generated 480,000 installs, making it the second largest app launch ranking, behind Truth Social with 630,000 downloads. The next most debuts (i.e. the first five days after launch) include the arrival of Widget Bull in March 2023, Lock Screen Widgets (360,000 installs), and the launch of MyNBA2K23 in 2022 (310,000 installs) on Instagram. Q&A submissions (260,000 installs) included. ).

This pushes ChatGPT for new apps released on iOS in the US in 2022 and beyond to pass the 99.99th percentile. notes that only the top 1% of apps generated more than 10,600 downloads in the US in the first five days, while the top 0.1% had more than 45,000. Its analysis includes data from approximately 39,000 apps released on iOS in the US since the beginning of 2022 that ranked in the top charts at some point during this period. (Data does not include Apple’s first-party his apps such as Apple Music Classical).

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Of course, installs are just one way to measure consumer demand and aren’t as reliable as analyzing how many people subsequently signed up and became active app users.

However, since ChatGPT is still new, cannot yet get accurate estimates for metrics such as daily or monthly active users, which it said could take several more weeks to generate. increase.




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