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Being stealthed by the ghost of Tsushima affects the weather


In Ghost of Tsushima, the action of the main character, Jin, actually affects the weather. So it’s a mechanism that allows him to switch between sunny, fog, rain and storm at any time, not just when he plays the flute. No, the weather changes when you fight Mongolians.

In an interview with Ghost of Tsushima’s creative director Nate Fox, “the game is definitely scripted, increasing storms when doing something very ghost-driven.”

This is a pretty clever feature. Gin is the relentless natural force of Ghost of Tsushima, and has abandoned his identity to accept the iconic power of the Ghost to defeat the Mongolians in a manner that is unhonored. At the beginning of the game, you will be able to use the Samurai tools to defeat most enemies. However, as encounters become more difficult and unlock new ghost skills, the game naturally encourages you to adopt a more stealth-oriented approach.

When you stop using samurai skills and start relying on ghost skills, the in-game world will change to suit your play style. Turns the first gentle breeze encountered when an enemy Mongolia invades the island into a continuous bombardment of horrific winds, fierce thunder, and lightning flash. The area will naturally be darker as it will be more frequent storms, further marketing the idea of ​​engaging the enemy in disgrace when Jin can’t see it.

In my playthrough with Tsushima Ghost, I almost abandoned similarities of honor by about half of Act II and began to be stealth in every combat encounter. By the beginning of Act Three, there was basically a constant storm, except when we were doing one of the stories that took place during certain weather conditions.

In the GameSpot Ghost of Tsushima review, Edmund Tran wrote: Their flaws and blunt edges are definitely still present. The ghost of Tsushima is the best when you get on your horse and take a look at the beautiful world equipped with sword and screenshot button, it will guide your curiosity. This isn’t a Criterion staple, but in many cases it looks like one. “

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