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AI Innovation in Supercloud 6: Insights from Industry Leaders

AI Innovation in Supercloud 6: Insights from Industry Leaders


Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic since the introduction of ChatGPT in 2022, and AI innovation was one of the areas at the forefront of discussion at the Supercloud 6 conference in Palo Alto, California this week.

From discussions on platform engineering to the convergence of cloud-native technologies and AI, theCUBE analysts reviewed some of the insights shared by industry leaders and stakeholders during the closing session of the Supercloud 6: AI Innovators event.

There is a long way to go, but there is a lot of room for innovation and it will come. [of] Several locations, Dave Vellante (pictured, left), Principal Analyst at theCUBE Research. All these existing platforms are evolving to ride the AI ​​wave. And then there are all these new startups that either reach escape velocity or get acquired or become niche.

Bellante speaks with Executive Analyst John Furrier (center) and Principal Analyst Rob Strechay (right) at the “Supercloud 6: AI Innovation” event during an exclusive broadcast on SiliconANGLE Media's live streaming studio, theCUBE. I did. They discussed the ongoing evolution and innovation potential in the AI ​​space, the integration of AI and cloud-native technologies, the importance of observability in AI systems, and the role of platforms in democratizing AI development.

Explore AI innovation and ecosystem

A variety of topics were covered, from platform engineering to DevSecOps to machine learning, highlighting the dynamic nature of the field. According to Furrier, the emergence of new teams focused on these areas reflects a paradigm shift in how organizations approach AI innovation.

At KubeCon and the Kubernetes and cloud-native communities, AI opens a huge path to redefining observability, increasing the role of cloud-native DevSecOps operators who are currently running alongside data engineering platform folks. I'm letting you do it. He said they appear to be driving change.

One notable aspect is the increasing emphasis on observability within AI systems. As the complexity of these systems increases, ensuring performance and availability becomes paramount. Observability platforms such as OpenSearch are gaining traction, demonstrating the growing need for robust monitoring and management solutions.

last year when we were there [at KubeCon EU], Strechai said there wasn't much talk about AI. But what's interesting in the discussions that I've had is that there's a lot going on in this ecosystem, a lot going on in terms of security, how it's managed, what the stack is going to be, and observability, etc. That's it.

The rise of cloud-native AI

The intersection of cloud-native technologies and AI, especially within the Kubernetes community, was also interesting. The discussion focused on MLflow and Kubeflow, and how AI is increasingly integrated into cloud-native environments. According to Furrier, his democratization of AI through organizations such as the Cloud Native Computing Foundation represents a major shift in the way AI is developed and deployed.

At this rate, like Nvidia, the CNCF community will likely be in charge of generative AI. Because, as we've said before, democratizing the data side isn't done by data scientists. That will be done by the AI ​​itself, he said.

Additionally, the proliferation of AI use cases highlights the technology's expanding potential. From Nvidia's perspective, the scope of AI applications has expanded significantly and the demand for AI-driven solutions has skyrocketed. As the role of humans in AI development evolves, cloud-native platforms are poised to play a central role in scaling AI initiatives.

You're talking about things like microSHIFT and other small Kubernetes deployments and containers at the edge where it doesn't really make sense to put all the data back, Strechay said. So he makes some deductions, and then he comes back with a summary, and I think it's a big story.

Below is the full video interview that is part of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE Researchs' coverage of the “Supercloud 6: AI Innovation” event.

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TheCUBE is an important partner in the industry. You all really participate in our events. Thank you very much for coming. I also appreciate the content you create – Andy Jassy

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