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How long will it take until quantum computers are useful to society? That's Google's $5 million question

How long will it take until quantum computers are useful to society? That's Google's $5 million question


Google and the XPrize Foundation have awarded the equivalent of US$5 million (4 million The contest has started. This race could expand the range of applications in which quantum computers have an advantage over classical computers, as principles of quantum physics suggest that quantum computers can perform extremely fast calculations on certain problems. There is a gender.

In our daily lives, the mechanisms of nature can generally be explained by what is called classical physics. However, on the small quantum scale, below atomic size, nature behaves very differently.

The race to harness quantum technology can be seen as a new industrial revolution, progressing from devices that take advantage of the properties of classical physics to devices that take advantage of the strange and wonderful properties of quantum mechanics. Scientists have spent decades exploiting these properties to develop new technologies.

Given how often we are told that quantum technology will revolutionize our daily lives, it may come as a surprise that we still have to offer prizes and explore practical applications. yeah. But while there are many successful examples of harnessing quantum properties to improve sensing and timing accuracy, there has been a surprising lack of progress in developing quantum computers beyond their classical predecessors.

The main bottleneck hindering this development is the need to demonstrate that software using quantum algorithms is better than computers based on classical physics. This is commonly known as the quantum advantage.

Quantum computing differs from classical computing in that it uses a property known as entanglement. Classical computing uses bits to represent information. These bits are made up of 1's and 0's, and all computer operations are made up of strings of 1's and 0's. But with quantum computing, these bits can be made into a superposition of ones and zeros. In other words, it is as if these 1s and 0s were occurring simultaneously within the quantum bit (or qubit).

This property allows computational tasks to be performed all at once. Therefore, quantum computing is considered to have significant advantages over classical computing as it can perform many computing tasks simultaneously.

Read more: What is Quantum Advantage? Quantum Computing Scientist Explains Nearing Milestone Marking the Arrival of Very Powerful Computers

Remarkable quantum algorithms

Running many tasks simultaneously should improve performance over traditional computers, but putting this into practice has proven more difficult than theory suggests. In fact, there are only a few notable quantum algorithms that can perform the task better than algorithms using classical physics.

Yurchanka Siarhei / Shutterstock

The most notable are the BB84 protocol, developed in 1984, and the Shors algorithm, developed in 1994. Both use entanglement to outperform classical algorithms at certain tasks.

The BB84 protocol is a cryptographic protocol and a system for ensuring secure private communications between two or more parties, and is considered more secure than comparable traditional algorithms.

The Scholl algorithm uses entanglement to demonstrate how current classical encryption protocols can be broken. This is because the protocol is based on factoring very large numbers. There is also evidence that they can perform certain calculations faster than similar algorithms designed for traditional computers.

Even though these two algorithms are superior to classical algorithms, few advantageous quantum algorithms have followed suit. However, researchers have not given up on development. Currently, research has several main directions.

Potential benefits of quantum

The first is to use quantum mechanics to assist in so-called large-scale optimization tasks. Optimization is finding the best or most effective way to solve a particular task, from ensuring the effective execution of traffic flows, to managing operational procedures in a factory pipeline, to recommending what to do for each user. Everything from streaming services to the decisions we make are essential in our daily lives. It is clear that quantum computers have the potential to help solve these problems.

Reducing the computational time required to perform optimizations could potentially save energy and reduce the carbon footprint of the many computers and data centers that support them that currently perform these tasks around the world. there is.

Another development that could have far-reaching benefits is the use of quantum computing to simulate systems, such as combinations of atoms, that behave according to quantum mechanics. Understanding and predicting how quantum systems actually work could lead to better drug design and medicine, for example.

Quantum systems could also lead to improved electronic devices. As computer chips get smaller, quantum effects can take hold and reduce device performance. If we have a deeper basic understanding of quantum mechanics, we may be able to avoid this.

While there has been significant investment in building quantum computers, there has been less focus on ensuring that they directly benefit the public. But now that seems to be changing.

The question remains whether we will all have quantum computers in our homes within the next 20 years. However, given the current financial efforts to commercialize quantum computing, it seems that society is finally in a good position to take advantage of it. What exactly will this look like? It costs US$5 million to find out.




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